A Practical Guide to Cancer Systems Biology

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84 A Practical Guide to Cancer Systems Biology

Figure 7. Visualization of function profile in DynaPho. The color of the cell indicates
level of significance (darker = more significant).

activity profile is generated by integrating phosphosite residue with flanking
sequences and phosphorylation profiles. This profile can reveal the activity
of kinase at each time point or condition.

  1. Click on “Kinase activity” on the header.

  2. Set a criterion for defining the phosphosites with differential change on

  3. Set a p-value cutoff to determine the kinase with significant activity

  4. Click on “Submit” to get to the result page.

  5. Inspect kinase activity profile. The profile is visualized as a heatmap
    (Fig. 10). The kinases with similar profiles will be clustered. In the
    profile, the red and blue cells denote the kinases have significant

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