Cell Language Theory, The: Connecting Mind And Matter

(Elliott) #1

“6x9” b2861 The Cell Language Theory: Connecting Mind and Matter

About the Author

After 2 years of pre-engineering training at the College of Engineering,
Seoul National University and 1.5 years of mandatory military service in
the Korean Army, Sungchul Ji obtained in 1962 a full scholarship to con-
tinue his education at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, graduating in
1965 with a double major in chemistry and mathematics. From 1965 to
1968, he carried out a PhD research at the State University of New York
at Albany, in physical organic chemistry under William D. Closson,
completing his thesis in 1970 while teaching at the Department of
Chemistry at the Makato State College, Minnesota, between 1968 and

  1. Between 1970 and 1982, Sungchul Ji performed a series of inter-
    disciplinary researches in the following institutions: The Enzyme Institute,
    University of Wisconsin, Madison (mitochondriology, theoretical
    enzymology), Johnson Foundation, University of Pennsylvania (tissue
    biophysics), the Max Planck Institute of Systems Physiology, Dortmund,
    Germany (microcirculation, organ physiology), Department of
    Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel
    Hill (pharmacology and toxicology). Since 1982, he has been teaching
    pharmacology, toxicology, and theoretical/computational cell biology to
    PharmD students at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy and interdisci-
    plinary seminars on complementarism to first-year and honors students,
    both at Rutgers University.

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