Cell Language Theory, The: Connecting Mind And Matter

(Elliott) #1
xii About the Author

b2861 The Cell Language Theory: Connecting Mind and Matter “6x9”

One of his main research interests is exploring Niels Bohr’s principle
of complementarity as applied to living systems ranging from enzymes to
organelles to cells to the human brain and beyond. In the process,
Sungchul Ji has been led to generalize the principle of wave–particle dual-
ity in quantum mechanics to the principle of the energy–information dual-
ity. This so-called gnergy complementarity is postulated to underlie all
organizations in the Universe including living systems. This postulate (to
be called the gnergy principle of organization, GPO) appears to have
gained some empirical support in the recent (2008– present) findings that
the Planckian distribution equation (PDE), which was derived in 2008
from the blackbody radiation equation (discovered by M. Planck in 1900)
by replacing its universal constants and temperature with free parameters,
A, B and C, resulting in y = (A/(x + B)^5 )/(Exp (C/(x + B) – 1), where x is
the categories or bins and y their frequencies. The PDE has been found
to fit almost all long-tailed histograms generated in atomic physics, pro-
tein folding, single-molecule enzymology, cellular mRNA metabolism,
brain neurophysiology, quantitative linguistics, psychology, econophys-
ics, and cosmology (http://www.conformon.net/wp-content/uploads/
2016/09/PDE_Vienna_2015.pdf). Since the first term in Planck’s black-
body radiation equation is related to the number of the standing waves in
the system under consideration and the second term to the average energy
of the standing waves, the first and second terms in PDE probably can be
interpreted similarly, leading to the conclusion that all the physicochemi-
cal processes generating data that fit PDE obeys the wave–particle duality
In 1997, Sungchul Ji found the evidence that living cells use molec-
ular language (called cellese) that shares 10 out of the 13 design features
of human language (humanese) (http://www.conformon.net/wp-content/
uploads/2012/05/Isomorphism1.pdf). Applying the complementarity
principle of Bohr, he inferred in 2012 that cellese and humanese may be
the complementary aspects of a third language called cosmic language
or cosmese. Most recently (January/February, 2017) in an unpublished
observation, John Stuart Reid, Ryan Stables, and Sungchul Ji have
shown the histograms generated from water wave patterns induced by
the audio file produced from cancer cells photographed with a digital
CymaScope fitted PDE. Therefore, if water wave patterns measured

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