Cell Language Theory, The: Connecting Mind And Matter

(Elliott) #1
viii Preface

b2861 The Cell Language Theory: Connecting Mind and Matter “6x9”

galaxies in the Universe, and (iii) the discovery in 1929 by Hubble
(1889–1953) that our Universe is not static as assumed by Newton and
Einstein but rapidly expanding. Although there is no theoretical reason
why these three breakthroughs in astronomy should have any counter-
parts in biology, they motivated me to look for three comparable break-
throughs in biology beyond the living cell which I tentatively identify
with (i) the human-centered biology (embodied in the Piscatawaytor
proposed in 1991; see Section 3.2.20), (ii) the earth-centered biology
(embodied in the Princetonator model of the origin of life proposed in
1991; see Section 4.9), and (iii) the cosmos or mind-centered biology

Table P1 A comparison between cosmology and biology [471–473].
Cosmology (External Universe) Biology (Internal Universe)
1 Earth-centered Universe with ~10^3 stars
(Aristotle, 4th century BC; Ptolemy, c. 100 AD)

DNA-centered biology (Watson and
Crick, 1953)
2 Sun-centered Universe with ~10^3 stars
(Copernicus, 1543)

Cell-centered biology (the
Bhopalator, 1985)
3 Sun at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy
with ~10^11 –10^12 stars (Jacobus Kapteyn,
early 20th century)

Human-centered biology (the
Piscatawaytor, 1991)

4 Sun at the periphery of the Milky Way Galaxy
with ~10^11 –10^12 stars (Curtis Shapely, 1917)

Biosphere-centered biology (?) (the
Princetonator, 1991)
5 The Universe contains 10^11 –10^12 galaxies with
~10^22 –10^24 stars (Hubble, 1929)

Mind/consciousness-centered biology
(?) (the Shillongator, 1991)

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Galaxies and galaxy clusters (left panel) and
5 galaxy clusters (right panel). Retrieved from

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