Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1
The cat, with huge leaps, clambered up a tree; and now he had
reached the very pinnacle, and as he gathered himself up to take
a flying leap for a neighboring tree, I caught up my gun, and let
slip at him in mid-flight. The arrowy posture in which he made his
pitch, was suddenly changed, as the shot struck him to the heart;
and doubling himself up, after one or two wild gyrations, into a
heap, he fell dead, from a height of full fifty feet, into the very jaws
of the dogs! It proved to be a female, smaller than the first cat, but
beautifully spotted.
—William Elliott kills a ‘‘wild-cat’’ inCarolina Sports,
That’s what the companies call feed conversion. It’s the amount
of feed you need for the weight gain you want. Obviously, you look
to use as little food as you can. That’s why you don’t want them
moving around. It just wastes a bunch of calories.
—A Maryland Eastern Shore chicken farmer explains production,
These [demons] have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the
days of their prophesy, and have power over waters to turn them to
blood.—Revelation :


  


In the opening scene of the film version ofTo Hell and
Back, a slight, wiry, teenaged version of Audie Leon Murphy
(–) stalks prey in the scrub of the Texas Blackland
Prairie. Murphy carries a single-shot .-caliber rifle loaded
with his only bullet, and he must succeed in the hunt. His
father has deserted Audie’s mother and their dozen chil-
dren. They are cotton sharecroppers without credit or suf-
ficient family labor—most of the children at home are too
young to work. Audie (then called Leon), the oldest boy
remaining and bitter about his father, assumes responsi-
bility and brings home a rabbit cleanly killed; then he quits
school and takes a job with a neighboring farmer. By 
his mother is dead and his siblings have dispersed. Now a
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