Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

Carolina Parakeet,’’Environmental History Review (Fall ): –; and Jack Temple
Kirby,Poquosin: A Study of Rural Landscape and Society(Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, ), esp. – (quotation on duck gunners at Back Bay, ). A fasci-
nating addendum to the literature of apples (and alcohol) is Michael Pollan,The Botany
of Desire: A Plant’s-Eye View of the World(New York: Random House, ), –. On
apples at Hermitage, see Debi Back, ‘‘The Women of Hermitage’’ (M.A. thesis, Miami
University, ).
. John Mack Faragher,Daniel Boone: The Life and Legend of an American Pioneer
(New York: Henry Holt, ), esp. , , , –, –, .
. Reiger,American Sportsmen, is of course the premier champion of elite hunters
and anglers as originators of conservation. See his introduction, –, on the argument,
and –, on antebellum proto-conservationists, including William Elliott of South
. Elliott has been neglected by scholars, but Willie Lee Rose provided excellent
context on the region and a few details on Elliott inRehearsal for Reconstruction: The Port
Royal Experiment(; New York: Vintage, ), , –, , , , – (quota-
tion, ), , , , –. A copy of the Sully portrait is frontispiece to William
Elliott,Carolina Sports by Land and Water(; Columbia: The State Co., ); page
numbers for subsequent references to the  edition are provided parenthetically in
the text.
. A. B. Longstreet, ‘‘The Fox-Hunt,’’ inGeorgia Scenes, – (quotation, ). A
sketch of William Somerville is to be found in Sir Paul Harvey, comp. and ed.,The
Oxford Companion to English Literature(; Oxford: Oxford University Press, ),
. Somerville titled his long poem ‘‘The Chace’’; Longstreet Americanized the spell-
ing to ‘‘Chase.’’
.Matanza(singular) is, in the  ed. ofCassell’s Spanish Dictionary, ‘‘action of
slaughtering; cattle to be slaughtered; massacre, butchery, slaughter,’’ and colloqui-
ally, ‘‘obstinacy’’ and ‘‘eagerness of pursuit.’’
. The historical literature on the Matanzas Massacre—the redundancy is accepted
—is quite large. James J. Miller,An Environmental History of Northeast Florida(Gaines-
ville: University Press of Florida, ), summarizes as well as describes cattle opera-
tions on the plain. See esp. –, –.
. Quotations from Kirby,Poquosin, –. Following paragraphs are derived from
ibid., –, and Reiger,American Sportsmen, esp. xi–xii, xiv, –.
. Important historians of honor and premodern southern culture are Bertram
Wyatt-Brown,Southern Honor: Ethics and Behavior in the Old South(New York: Oxford
University Press, ); Wyatt-Brown,The Shaping of Southern Culture: Honor, Grace,
and War, s–s(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, ); Edward L.
Ayers,Vengeance and Justice: Crime and Punishment in the Nineteenth-Century South
(New York: Oxford University Press, ); Elliott J. Gorn, ‘‘ ‘Gouge and Bite, Pull Hair
and Scratch’: The Social Significance of Fighting in the Southern Backcountry,’’Ameri-

   – 
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