Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

 
. See Helen C. Rountree,The Powhatan Indians of Virginia: Their Traditional Cul-
ture(Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, ), and (on native occupance and the
Euro-controlled York valley) Alonzo Thomas Dill,York River Yesterdays: A Pictorial His-
tory(Norfolk/Virginia Beach: Donning, ), –. On twentieth-century West Point,
see Dill’s excellent industrial/urban history,Chesapeake, Pioneer Papermaker: A History
of the Company and Its Community(Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, ).
. I refer to Jane Jacobs,The Death and Life of Great American Cities(New York: Ran-
dom House, ), esp. pt. . The following detail on nineteenth- and early-twentieth-
century West Point is based on Dill,York River Yesterdays,pts.and(–;Rev.
Bagby quoted, ), and certain Kirby family letters and documents from the era, origi-
nals in the Jack Temple Kirby Papers, Virginia Historical Society, Richmond.
. James J. Miller,An Environmental History of Northeast Florida(Gainesville: Univer-
sity Press of Florida, ),  (quotation), .
. In addition to ibid., see the works of St. Augustine’s most revered authority on
the old, Albert Manucy—e.g.,The Building of Castillo de San Marcos(Washington, D.C.:
National Park Service, );Seeing St. Augustine(St. Augustine: St. Augustine Histori-
cal Society, ); and esp.The Houses of St. Augustine, –(; Gainesville:
University Press of Florida, ). On pictorial evidence of downtown St. Augustine’s
near-dereliction before Flagler, see Ron Puckett, Rod Morris, and Mary Lou Merritt,
Yesterday in St. Augustine(Tallahassee: Yesterday in Florida Co., n.d. [ca. ]).
. Jerald T. Milanich, ‘‘The Timucua Indians of Northern Florida and Southern Geor-
gia,’’ inIndians of the Greater Southeast: Historical Archaeology and Ethnohistory, ed.
Bonnie G. McEwan (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, ), –.
. See Manucy,Houses of St. Augustine, –. On the ‘‘St. Augustine Look,’’ see –.
. Edward N. Akin,Flagler: Rockefeller Partner and Florida Baron(; Gainesville:
University Press of Florida, ), – (early life and business), – (St. Augustine),
and – (Flagler’s Florida rail line).
. See ibid., , on Memorial Presbyterian. Disposition of the Flagler hotels is stan-
dard in guidebooks. On the visit of ‘‘Ringo Starr,’’ seeSt. Augustine Record,,(onthe
hoax) August .
. See Edward L. Ayers,The Promise of the New South: Life after Reconstruction(New
York: Oxford University Press, ), , –, and on towns and cities (in text follow-
ing), –, –. On comparative regional rates of urbanization, see Don H. Doyle,
New Men, New Cities, New South: Atlanta, Nashville, Charleston, Mobile, –
(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, ), –.
. Ayers,Promise of the New South,.
. See Doyle,New Men, New Cities, New South, –, esp. , on regional rankings
of cities and on comparative urbanization rates.
. Ayers,Promise of the New South,–.
. Albert E. Cowdrey,This Land,This South: An Environmental History(; rev. ed.,
Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, ), –.

    –
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