Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

. Ibid., –. The authority on opiates is David T. Courtwright,Dark Paradise:
Opiate Addiction in America before (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
), esp. –.
. David F. Allmendinger Jr.,Ruffin: Family and Reform in the Old South(New York:
Oxford University Press, ), esp. chaps. –;Incidents of My Life: Edmund Ruffin’s
Autobiographical Essays, ed. David F. Allmendinger Jr. (Charlottesville: University Press
of Virginia for the Virginia Historical Society, ). Ruffin’s writings on urban sanita-
tion appeared inFarmers’ Registerand later editions ofEssay on Calcareous Manures.
His two  epistles (summarized and quoted below) are reprinted inEdmund Ruffin:
Nature’s Management—Writings on Landscape and Reform, –, ed. Jack Temple
Kirby (Athens: University of Georgia Press, ), –.
. Margaret Humphreys,Yellow Fever and the South(New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers
University Press, ), – (description), ,  (on boards of health and urban sani-
tation), – (on etiology).
. Jacobs,Death and Life of Great American Cities,  (quotation), , ,  (on
City Beautiful); Doyle,New Men, New Cities, New South, – (on expositions).
. See Doyle,New Men, New Cities, New South, –, esp. –, on relative urbaniza-
tion, and Jack Temple Kirby,Rural Worlds Lost: The American South, –(Baton
Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, ), pt. , on rural-to-urban migration.
. John A. Jakle and David Wilson,Derelict Landscapes: The Wasting of America’s
Built Environment(Savage, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, ), –, , ; below,
on accounting, depreciation, and maintenance, see –; on deindustrialization, –
; corporate flight to suburbs, ; rural dereliction related to suburbs, –; and
failures of urban preservation/gentrification, –.
. Charles Simic, ‘‘Down There on a Visit,’’New York Review of Books,  August
, – (epigraph quotation, ).
. Information on trash and sewage in mountain Kentucky, then the cleanup, is
derived from personal observations, –, and various newspaper reports, –
. Robert A. Ivy Jr., ‘‘Locking Up the Suburbs: Gated Communities on the Rise,’’
Reckon: The Magazine of Southern Culture, Fall , – (Reich quotation, ; Evan
McKenzie quotation, ; Windrush and Windsor quotations, ).
. John R. Stilgoe,Borderland: Origins of the American Suburb, –(New
Haven: Yale University Press, ). On Beatrix Farrand and garden ‘‘rooms,’’ see Vera
Norwood,Made from This Earth: American Women and Nature(Chapel Hill: University
of North Carolina Press, ), –, –. On post–World War II suburban lawns,
I rely on the charming first chapter of Michael Pollan,Second Nature: A Gardener’s Edu-
cation(New York: Dell, ), plus my own long and checkered past as designer and
maintainer of suburban lawns.
. On the Rhine spill, see Mark Cioc,The Rhine: An Eco-Biography, –
(Seattle: University of Washington Press, ), –. On Love Canal, Times Beach,
Bhopal, and (in the following text) Institute, W.Va., see Gerald Markowitz and Davis

   – 
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