Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

Rosner,Deceit and Denial: The Deadly Politics of Industrial Pollution(Berkeley: Univer-
sity of California Press for the Millbank Memorial Fund, ),  (incl. quotation).
.New York Times,  August ; Cowdrey,This Land, This South,.
. This and following paragraphs about Louisiana are based on Markowitz and
Rosner,Deceit and Denial, –.
. Rich Hind and David Halperin, ‘‘Lots of Chemicals, Little Reaction,’’New York
Times,  September .
. John Turner,White Gold Comes to California(Bakersfield: California Planting
Cotton Seed Distributors, ), –. On southern crop dusting and the following
text on agricultural chemicals, see Pete Daniel,Toxic Drift: Pesticides and Health in the
South, –(Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, ).
. Samuel P. Hays,Beauty, Health, and Permanence: Environmental Politics in the
United States, –(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ). Observations
on Indiana limestone are based on my own long residence nearby and travels around
southern Indiana and northern Kentucky.
. See the following websites:
;/ch/final/cs.pdf; and http://www
. On ancient Egyptian brick making, see A. Lucas and J. R. Harris,Ancient Egyp-
tian Materials and Industries(; Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, ), –. On
Walker, see Jack Temple Kirby,Darkness at the Dawning: Race and Reform in the Progres-
sive South(Philadelphia: Lippincott, ), –. During years of travels in eastern
Virginia and North Carolina, I have observed brick ranch-style worker housing.
. See Otto H. Olsen,Carpetbagger’s Crusade: The Life of Albion Winegar Tourgee
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, ), esp. – (on the Reconstruction
novels); also on Tourgee as novelist, see Edmund Wilson,Patriotic Gore: Studies in the
Literature of the American Civil War(; New York: Oxford University Press, ),
. Jennifer . Lee, ‘‘Sewer Sludge Spread on Fields Is Fodder for Lawsuits,’’New
York Times,  June . Lee did not check the EPA’s contention that there was no or
inadequate research on heavy metal uptake. See (as a small sample) J. Parizek, ‘‘Pecu-
liar Toxicity of Cadmium during Pregnancy: An Experimental Toxaemia of Pregnancy
Induced by Cadmium Salts,’’Journal of Reproduction and Fertility (): –; M. K.
John, C. J. Van Laehoven, and H. H. Chubah, ‘‘Factors Affecting Plant Uptake and Phyto-
toxicity of Cadmium Added to Soils,’’Environmental Science and Technology():
–; Elizabeth A. Kruse and Gary W. Barrett, ‘‘Effects of Municipal Sludge and Fertil-
izer on Heavy Metal Accumulation in Earthworms,’’Environmental Pollution,ser.A,
(): –; and John D. Peles, Susan R. Brewer, and Gary W. Barrett, ‘‘Heavy Metal
Accumulation by Old-Field Plant Species during Recovery of Sludge-Treated Ecosys-
tems,’’American Midland Naturalist, no.  (): –.
. Tim Gilmore, ‘‘That Smell: How One Company’s Powerful Stink Defeated a
Northside Neighborhood,’’Jacksonville Folioweekly,June,–,–.

    –
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