Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

. Scott Harper, ‘‘Blackwater River: A Poison Runs through It,’’Norfolk Virginian-
. See (on sprawl and acid rain’s effects
on the upper Chattahoochee and Chattahoochee National Forest); http://www.auduactionagenda/apalachicola.htm
(on Corps of Engineers dredging);
and David L. Markell, ‘‘ACF River System Is Novel Case for U.S. Supreme Court,’’Tal-
lahassee Democrat,  November , posted at
(on the Georgia/Alabama/Florida federal suit
over water ownership).

. Jere Longman, ‘‘Feisty and Fearless, Mathis Swaggers onto World Stage,’’NewYork
Times(Sunday Sports),  May  (also the epigraph); Fred Hobson,The Southern
Writer in the Postmodern World(Athens: University of Georgia Press, ).
. The expression is borrowed from Nan Elizabeth Woodruff,American Congo: The
African American Freedom Struggle in the Delta(Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
), which cites the NAACP’s usage (during the s), comparing northwestern Mis-
sissippi and neighboring eastern Arkansas with the notorious African colony of Bel-
gian King Leopold II.
. See Wilma A. Dunaway,The First American Frontier: Transition to Capitalism in
Southern Appalachia, –(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, );
Mary Beth Pudup, Dwight Billings, and Altina Waller, eds.,Appalachia in the Making:
The Mountain South in the Nineteenth Century(Chapel Hill: University of North Caro-
lina Press, ); and on the near-end of mountain farming, Jack Temple Kirby,Rural
Worlds Lost: The American South, –(Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University
Press, ), –.
. See A. Dwight Baldwin Jr., ‘‘Rehabilitation of Land Stripped for Coal in Ohio—
Reclamation, Restoration, or Creation?’’ inBeyond Preservation: Restoring and Inventing
Landscapes, ed. A. Dwight Baldwin Jr., Judith De Luce, and Carl Pletch (Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press, ), –.
. See Michael Lipton (a West Virginia editor), ‘‘The Fight for the Soul of Coal Coun-
tr y,’’New York Times,  May . Useful overviews of mountaintop removal and re-
cent legal and administrative struggles are Francis X. Clines, ‘‘Judge Takes On Bush
Administration on Strip Mining,’’New York Times,  May , and Elizabeth Kolbert,
‘‘Comment: Bad Environments,’’New Yorker,  May , –.
. Congress passed ‘‘clean water’’ acts in , , , and . Most singular
references seem to be to the  law. See Samuel P. Hays,Beauty, Health, and Perma-
nence: Environmental Politics in the United States, –(Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, ), , , –, , , , , , , , , . On
coastal development (below), see –.
. On the rise of Disney World, see Alan Bryman,Disney and His Worlds(New York:
   – 

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