Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

Agrarians (Nashville), –, 
Agriculture, –; genetically modi-
fied, ; slash-and-burn, –,
 (n. ); violence of, –.See also
Native southerners; Plantations
Aiken, Charles, xvii, –
Alligators, ; William Bartram and,
–; hunting of, –; and pets,
Animals: extinctions of, –; intro-
duction of European, –.See also
Alligators; Hunting; Snakes
Apalachees, , –
Apalachicola, Fla., –
Appalachia: leveling of, –; pollution
in, –
Appalachian Trail, –
Apples, –
Aquatic plants (introduced), –
Arson of forests, –
Audubon, John James, xii, ; slaugh-
terer of birds, –
Audubon Society, 
Ayers, Edward L., xv

Baldwin, Joseph G., 
Barbeque, –, , , 
Barrett, Gary, xix, 
Bartram, John, 
Bartram, William, , , , ; in
Florida, – passim.See alsoAlliga-
tors; St. Johns River
Baskin, Norton, –
Bass, A. L. Tommie, –
Bennett, Hugh Hammond, –
Berry, Wendell, xviii

Blackwater River (Va.), –
Boone, Daniel, , –
Brown, Margaret Lynn, xvii, 
Bryant, William Cullen, –
Building materials, –
Burkholder, JoAnn, –
Butz, Earl, 
Byrd, William, II, , 

Cahokia, –, –
Calusas, –
Camp Manufacturing Co., 
Camp, Wofford B. ‘‘Bill,’’ , 
Cardinals, xiii
Carson, Rachel, , 
Carter, Colonel Landon, –
Carver, George Washington, 
Catesby, Mark, xii, 
Chemical industry, –; and air pol-
lution, –; disasters of, –;
in Louisiana, –; and pesti-
cides, –; and suburban lawns,
Cherokees, –, –
Chesapeake Bay, ; fishery of, –
Chesapeake Corporation, 
Chickasaws, –, –, , –
Choctaws, , 
Chowan, 
Cities: and coastal development, –;
dereliction of, –, ; design
and exposition of, ; native, –
; sanitation and public health in,
–.See alsoPetersburg, Va.; St.
Augustine, Fla.; Suburbs; West Point,
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