Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

Civil War: economic recovery from, ;
as ecological disaster, –
Cobb, Ned, –
Coen, Joel and Ethan, xviii, –,
Cofitachequi, , 
Coosas, , 
Corn: and obesity, –; and pellagra,
Cowdrey, Albert, xvi
Craven, Avery Odell, xvi, –
Creeks, , , , , 
Crews, Harry, 
Cronon, William, xviii, xix
Crosby, Alfred, xviii

Daniel, Pete, xvi, 
Davy, Sir Humphry, 
Dillard, Annie, xviii
Disney World, , 
Doolittle, William, xvii, 
Dorman, Robert, xvii
Doyle, Don, xvi, 

Ecology (scientific), xiv; ecosystem con-
cept, –; as equilibrium, –;
southernization of, –.See also
Odum, Eugene P.; Odum, Howard T.
Elliott, William, –, ; hunts
manta rays, –; hunts other
animals, –
Eppes, Dr. Richard, –
Ethridge, Robbie, xvii

Fairs and circuses, –
Farrand, Beatrix Jones, –
Faulkner, William, xviii, , , , ,
, –, 
Fences.SeeOpen stock range
Fishman, Gail, –, 
Flagler, Henry M., , –

Food, supply and variety of, –.See
Forestry, –, 
Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth, xvi

Gaither, E. W., 
Galloway, Patricia, xvii
Gardens, –
Garreau, Joel, 
Genovese, Eugene D., xvi
Goldberger, Dr. Joseph, –
Golley, Frank, –
Great Smokey Mountains: air pollution
in, –; national park, –
Green, Michael, xvii
Grice, Gordon, 
Guale, 
Guano, 

Hagood, Margaret Jarman, , , 
Haley, Alex, 
Ham and Eggs movement, –
Hammond, James Henry, 
Harper, Francis, 
Harper, Roland, 
Harris, Bernice Kelly, –, 
Harrison, Robert Pogue, xviii
Hatfield, Anderson ‘‘Devil Anse’’, –
Hays, Samuel P., xvii–xviii, 
Herty, Charles, 
Hiaasen, Carl, –
Hilliard, Sam Bowers, xvii, 
Hobson, Fred, 
Hookworm, 
Hudson, Charles, xvii
Hundley, Daniel R., 
Hunting, –; as blood sport, –;
of foxes, –; for markets, –;
by native southerners, –; pot-
shooting, –; reform of, –;
as war on wilderness, –

 
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