Cell Division Control in Plants

(Marcin) #1

Subject Index

Abaxial leaf epidermis, 346
Abaxial lob, 361, 369
370, 371, 373
108, 110
Ace2, 16
Acentrics, 147
Acropetal PM, 296
Actin, 172, 252, 257, 262, 267, 290, 328–331,
333, 334

  • Actin depleted zone (ADZ), 46, 132

  • Actin depolymerizing drugs, 35

  • Actin filament, 203, 204, 252, 262, 267

  • Actin, 9, 33, 35, 36, 41, 44, 46, 47, 49–51,
    125, 126, 132, 133, 349, 350, 354

  • Actin-binding domain (ABD), 132
    Actomyosin, 169, 204
    Adaxial leaf epidermis, 345, 351
    Adaxial lob, 361, 369
    ADL1 (Arabidopsisdynamin-like protein),
    198, 305
    AFLP, 21
    AGAMOUS (AG), 363, 364
    Agrobacterium-mediated transformation,
    AINTEGUMENTA (ANT), 26, 382
    AIR9, 313
    Alga, 59, 60, 196, 215, 221, 328–337, 384

  • Green, 3, 4, 10, 27, 169, 211, 213, 290

  • Brown, 290, 323, 324, 327, 334, 336, 337

  • Fucoid, 323, 325–331, 335, 336
    Allele, 42, 105, 363, 364, 366

  • Knockout, 353

  • Null, 354

  • Severe, 110, 348, 352

  • Temperature-sensitive, 348

    • Weak, 67, 108, 110, 348, 352, 354
      AMEIOTIC (AM1), 105, 106

    • Am1-praI, 105

    • Am1/SWI1/DYAD, 106

    • Mutant, 106
      Amidotransferase (ATse2), 386
      Amino acid

    • Motif, 170, 172, 234, 380, 384

    • Of proteins, 131, 171, 217, 240, 241, 243,
      350, 366

    • Sequence homology, 112, 117, 130, 240,
      243, 353, 366
      Amiprophos methyl, 21
      Amphidiploid, 22
      Amylase, 369
      Anaphase, 130, 132, 145–148, 169, 176–178,
      197, 199, 201, 217, 241–245, 279, 377

    • Anaphase A, 142, 147

    • Anaphase B, 142, 147, 177

    • Anaphase-promoting complex (APC), 383

    • Early, 222

    • In meiosis I, 103, 114, 117

    • In meiosis II, 117

    • Late, 147, 217, 222, 238, 242, 252, 255,
      256–258, 270, 277, 313

    • Transition, 17, 19, 21, 80, 245, 334
      Anastral spindles, 169
      Angiosperm, 75, 175, 251
      Aniline blue, 236, 303, 312
      Annexin, 312, 313
      ANP (Arabidopsishomolog of tobacco
      NPK1), 233, 235, 237, 242
      ANQ (Arabidopsishomolog of tobacco
      NQK1; AtMKK6), 239, 241, 242
      Anterograde traffic, 291
      Anther, 361–373

    • Cell division, 361, 363

    • Cell layer, 363

    • Cell wall layer, 367, 369

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