Genetics of Apoptosis

(Barry) #1


AD Alzheimer’s disease

AICD activation-induced cell death

AIF apoptosis-inducing factor

ALPS autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome

ANT adenine nucleotide translocator

APC antigen-presenting cell

APP amyloid precursor protein

ASK1 apoptosis signal regulating kinase

ATRA all-trans-retinoic acid

Bax Bcl-2 associated protein X

BH Bcl-2 homology

bZIP basic leucine zipper

CAD caspase-activated DNase

CARD caspase recruitment domain

Caspases cysteinyl asgartate proteinases

CD95L CD95 ligand

CF carboxyfluorescein

CKI and CKII casein kinases I and II

CNS central nervous system

CRDs cysteine-rich extracellular domains

CsA cyclosporine A

CTLs cytotoxic T lymphocytes

Cyt.c. cytochrome c

DAP death-associated proteins

DD death domain

DED death-effector domain

DIC differential interference contrast

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