Genetics of Apoptosis

(Barry) #1

death domain (DD) 1, 69, 77, 78–6
inhibition by silencer of death domains
(SODD) 10
proteins 79
death effector domain (DED) 4, 10, 34, 69,
69–8, 82
death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) 4–
6, 38, 77–4
death ligands 1, 74–3
death receptor-induced apoptosis
activation of immune and inflammatory
responses 21
augmentation in AIDS 24
autoimmune disorders 24
deletion of thymocytes and peripheral T
cells 21–1
disorders resulting from deregulation of
establishment of zones of immune
privilage 23
expression of death and decoy receptors
induction of cell death by cytotoxic T
cells and NK cells 23
instruction apoptosis of B cells 22–2
maintenance of lymphocyte homeostatis
regulation of 8–20
death receptor-induced apoptosis—
regulation of immune response 20–23
role in development 24–4
role in immune system 20–24
of tumor cells 25–9
death receptors in response to
anticancer therapy 26–7
death receptors/ligands in surveillance
targeting death receptors for treatment
death receptors xviii, 1, 3, 74–3
activation f caspases by 3–8
expression of 18–19
induction of apoptosis by 1–8
in response of tumor cells to anticancer
therapy 26–7
in tumor surveillance 25–5

DR3 (Apo3, WSL-1, TRAMP, LARD)
1, 6
DR4 6
DR5 6
DR6 1, 77
decoy receptors 9–10
DcR1 (TRAIL-R3, TRID, LIT) 9, 10, 30
DcR2 (TRAIL-R4, TRUNDD) 9–10,
DcR3 10
DEVD-AMC 153, 154, 156
diap1 43
DIAP1 185, 187–80
diap2 43
DIAP2 187
Dictyostelium 150, 156
Dictyostelium discoideum 156–1
DIF (differentiation-inducing factor) 156
dilated cardiomyopathy 208
diphenyleneiodonium chloride (DPI) 202
disulfide formation (DTT) 100
domain-centric view of apoptosis 94–96
domain concept 71–9
domain descriptors 78
domain detection methods 73–74
dronc 43
Drosophila, apoptosis in 38, 150, 183–88
caspases in 188–2
Damm 34, 41, 189, 190
Dcp-1 36, 41, 189, 190
Decay 36, 189, 190
Dredd/Dcp-2 33, 188–1
drICE 36, 41, 189, 190
Dronc/Nc 33, 34, 36, 41, 188, 189
Strica/Dream 188, 189
genetic screens for 183–8
mitochondrial pathway 190–3
activation of 191–4
Ark 190–3
Debcl 191
PELLE protein 79, 80
Rpr, Hid, Grim and SkI 41
in initiation of 185–80
regulation of 192–6
role in development 194–8
STRICA 34, 41
TUBE protein 79, 80


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