Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 107

(sharon) #1
Antitumor Effects of Lithium Carbonate 3

beta which selectively is inhibited by lithium [9]. Lithium increases the
phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), leading to the
direct regulation of p53 levels and subsequent G 2 /M arrest of glioblastoma cell
cycle [10]. Lithium also induces p38 MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase
p38) phosphorylation, hence, suppresses p53 and cell cycle arrest in G2/M

Figure. The ultrastructure of tumor associated macrophage. Macrophage phagosomes
loaded lithium carbonate nanosized particles. Their average size of 14 ± 3,12 nm
determined using the computer program Image Tool [15].

The effects of nanosized lithium carbonate particles on muscle tissue and
development of experimental hepatocarcinoma 29 transplanted into thigh
muscle were studied in CBA mice [11]. The injections of lithium carbonate
nanosized particles at the periphery of cancer locus caused the injury within
the tumor, which was evaluated by electron and light microscopy and
biochemical methods. The number of neutrophils and macrophages in the
tumor increased, whereas the density of blood vessels and hemoglobin
concentration were reduced. Treatment of lithium carbonate nanosized
particles protects vital organs including the heart and lungs from the damaging
effect of lipid peroxidation secondary products.
Antitumor effect of lithium carbonate nanosized particles may be
associated with activation of the NO-synthase way in the tumor. It is known

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