Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 107

(sharon) #1

6 OP Makarova

tumors, but had no significant effect on the clinical course of the disease, as
measured radiographically, and the level of thyroglobulin in serum.
No significant down-trend has been observed in the annual mortality rate
for well-differentiated, non-medullary thyroid cancer, a fact reflecting the
existence of a “core” population of patients with radioiodine-“resistant”
disease [22]. The molecular basis for this phenomenon is believed to be the
progressive tumoral de-differentiation over time, with loss of (or marked
decrease in) the expression of cellular components responsible for iodine
uptake, organification and retention. Adjuvant methods to radioiodine, such as
radiosensitizers and lithium carbonate, provide only marginal additional
therapeutic effect.
In some cases, the use of lithium carbonate as an additional component of
anticancer therapy has a positive effect. The patient 33 years old with ovarian
cancer, BRAF-positive follicular variant of papillary thyroid cancer, and
abdominal metastases received surgical treatment and radiological therapy
[23]. Before re-treatment with radioactive iodine patient received 10 days of
300 mg of lithium 3 times a day. The concentration of lithium in blood serum
was 0.9 mEq /l (rate of 0.6-1.2). This treatment resulted in the disappearance
of metastases in the abdominal cavity and the absence of symptoms after 6
months of treatment, as well as reduced levels of serum thyroglobulin with
264 ng /l to 18 ng /l.

2. Drug Promotes Restoration of Bone Marrow and Blood

Composition after Chemotherapy

a) Normalizes Number of Neutrophils in Blood
Neoplasm therapy is restricted by the hematological side effects of tumor-
destructive therapy, requiring expensive supportive care to some extent to
overcome and treat leucopenia and its consequences. An effective and very
cost-effective alternative for treating neutropenia is to administer lithium
carbonate [24]. Lithium leads to a release of hematopoietic growth factors
(CSF) and therefore to proliferation of neutrophil granulocytes. Normally,
recombinant CSF is only administered when there are indications of severe
neutropenia because of the high costs involved, all the more evident in the
long-term treatment of persistent leucocytopenia. On the other hand, CSF and
leucocytes play an essential role in tumor immunology and with regard to
response rates to cytostatic drugs. Lithium salts have shown that they can
increase the number of neutrophil granulocytes quite significantly and, to a

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