Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 107

(sharon) #1


The chapters in this volume present the latest developments in medicine
and biology. Chapter One reviews the antitumor effecrs of lithium carbonate.
Chapter Two analyses the current evidence on the role of epigenetic
mechanisms involved in the progression of various types of cancer and their
clinical relevance. Chapter Three examines pregnancy and hemodialysis.
Chapter Four focuses on the pharmacokinetics, efficacy and safety of
levonorgestrel. Chapter Five discusses challenges and management of
childhood obesity in the United Kingdom. Chapter six reviews dynamic and
integrated synaptic processing in sex-steroid sensitive medial amygdala of
female rats. Chapter Seven studies the characterization of anti-coxsackie virus
B3 constituents of Scabiosa arenaria Forssk by reversed phase-high-
performance liquid chromatography. Chapter Eight provides a review of risk
factors, diagnosis and management of congenital upper limb anomalies.
Chapter Nine summarizes the current knowledge on genetics, environmental
factors, clinical characteristics, medical, laser and surgical treatment options of
exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma.
Chapter 1 - The present chapter is focused to analyze the underlying
mechanisms that dictate the antitumor properties of different forms of lithium
carbonate. The results of clinical studies on the use of lithium carbonate for
cancer treatment are given. Debate exists in literature about contradictory
effects of lithium salts are discussed as well.
Chapter 2 - Tumor development is the result of genetic and epigenetic
alterations. The epigenetic mechanisms do not imply a change in the DNA
sequence but can be as important as the genetic mechanisms for the onset and
progression of cancer due to its important role in the regulation of gene
expression. Methylation and acetylation of histones induce changes in the

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