Self And The Phenomenon Of Life: A Biologist Examines Life From Molecules To Humanity

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Self and Conscious Experience 177

“9x6” b2726 Self and the Phenomenon of Life: A Biologist Examines Life from Molecules to Humanity

  1. Boyce R, Glasgow SD, Williams S, Adamantidis A. (2016) Causal evidence
    for the role of REM sleep theta rhythm in contextual memory consolida-
    tion. Science 352: 812–816.

  2. Most of the information about the outside world passes through the
    thalamus before reaching the neocortex. Exceptions to the thalamic relay
    include smell fibers and some taste fibers.

  3. Boly M, Garrido MI, Gosseries O, et al. (2011) Preserved feedforward but
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  6. Dehaene S, Changeux JP. (2011) Experimental and theoretical approaches
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  10. Nerve fibers carrying orexin from the lateral hypothalamus project to the
    following areas: locus ceruleus, the dorsal raphe nuclei, the intralaminal
    and midline thalamic nuclei, the forebrain cholinergic neurons, as well as
    the posterior hypothalamus. See: Sutcliffe JG, de Lecea L. (2006) Hypocre-
    tins/Orexins in brain function. In: Lim R. ed. Handbook of Neurochemistry
    and Molecular Neurobiology, 3rd ed. Neuroactive Proteins and Peptides,
    Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 501–522.

  11. In addition to causing alertness, orexin also stimulates appetite.

  12. Guillem K, Bloem B, Poorthuis RB, et al. (2011) Nicotinic acetylcholine
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    Science 333: 888–891.

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