Self And The Phenomenon Of Life: A Biologist Examines Life From Molecules To Humanity

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magnesium blockade of the receptor, but the small calcium influx is insuf-
ficient to activate CaMKII. Instead, the small, sustained calcium flow acti-
vates protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), which, through removal of phosphates,
leads to the internalization of AMPA receptor, weakening the synaptic
strength. The outcome is the impairment of synaptic transmission, the
opposite of LTP.

  1. Koekkoek SKE, Hulscher HC, Dortland BR, et al. (2003) Cerebellar LTD
    and learning-dependent timing of conditioned eyelid responses. Science
    301: 1736–1739.

  2. O’Keefe J, Dosrovsky J. (1971) The hippocampus as a spatial map: Prelim-
    inary evidence from unit activity in the freely-moving rat. Brain Research
    34: 171–175; O’Keefe J, Nadel L. (1978) The Hippocampus as a Cognitive
    Map. Oxford Univ. Press, New York.

  3. Rotenberg A, Mayford M, Hawkins RD, et al. (1996) Mice expressing ac-
    tivated CaMKII lack low frequency LTP and do not form stable place cells
    in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Cell 87: 1351–1361.

  4. The two main morphological types of hippocampal neurons are the pyrami-
    dal (triangular shaped) and the granule (round) cells.

  5. Moser EI, Kropff E, Moser M-B. (2008) Place cells, grid cells, and the
    brain’s spatial representation system. Annual Rev Neurosci 31: 69–89.

  6. Zhang S-J, Ye J, Miao C, et al. (2013) Optogenetic dissection of
    entorhinal-hippocampal functional connectivity. Science 340: 44.

  7. Memory of location (or “place”) can be used as an aid to recall an abstract
    item, such as a number or letter. This strategy, called the “method of loci,”
    was invented by ancient Greeks and Romans, in which symbols are em-
    bedded on different spots in a recognizable picture, like a landscape. Even
    today, students taking a test usually associate a number or statement to be
    memorized with its relative location in a concrete book — position in a vol-
    ume and on a page. Thus the function of grid cells and place cells extends
    beyond the utility in navigation to include memory in general.

  8. MacDonald CJ, Lepage KQ, Eden UT, Eichenbaum H. (2011) Hippocam-
    pal “time cells” bridge the gap in memory for discontiguous events. Neuron
    71: 737–749.

  9. Liu X, Ramirez S, Pang PT, et al. (2012) Optogenetic stimulation of a
    hippocampal engram activates fear memory recall. Nature 484: 381–385.

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