Self And The Phenomenon Of Life: A Biologist Examines Life From Molecules To Humanity

(Sean Pound) #1
Glossary 353

“9x6” b2726 Self and the Phenomenon of Life: A Biologist Examines Life from Molecules to Humanity

Cerebral cortex: see Cortex of the brain.
Chaos theory: Also known as deterministic chaos. A non-linear dynamic
system whose outcome diverges widely depending on the initial conditions.
Chloroplast: A particle (organelle) in a plant cell that contains chlorophyll and
is responsible for photosynthesis.
Chondrites: Meteorites that preserve the original composition during the
formation of the solar system.
Cingulate cortex: A part of cerebral cortex in the medial side of the
hemisphere. Anterior cingulate cortex is involved in pain interpretation and
visceral sensations.
Clonal selection: A mechanism of adaptive immunity by which the activated
lymphocytes are allowed to proliferate and expand in number.
Codon: A unit of three nucleotides in a DNA molecule whose sequence codes
for a specific amino acid in a protein.
Compatibilist: One who believes that free will is possible in a deterministic
Conditioning: A type of associative learning in which an irrelevant stimulus
is capable of eliciting a response, when the stimulus was previously paired
with (preceding) a relevant stimulus. The term originated from Pavlov’s
conditioned reflex experiment.
Cortex of the brain: The layer of gray matter forming the outer mantle of the
cerebrum (cerebral cortex) or the cerebellum (cerebellar cortex). Cerebral
cortex is divided into archicortex, paleocortex, and neocortex, in chronological
order of evolution. Neocortex is the highest developed one and has six layers
of neurons. In the human brain, the neocortex occupies most of the cerebral
cortex and comprises the following: frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal.
CT scan: see CAT scan.
Cybernetics: The study of a system capable of self-regulation, the simplest
example of which is the thermostat.
Cyclic AMP: Cyclic adenosine monophosphate. A second messenger impor-
tant for transducing message from the cell surface to the nucleus.
Defensins: Antimicrobial peptides found in animals as part of innate immunity.
Dendrite: Short processes extending from the neuronal cell body that serve
as the receiving end of a synapse. A neuron contains numerous dendrites
forming dendritic arborization.

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