Self And The Phenomenon Of Life: A Biologist Examines Life From Molecules To Humanity

(Sean Pound) #1
356 Self and the Phenomenon of Life

b2726 Self and the Phenomenon of Life: A Biologist Examines Life from Molecules to Humanity “9x6”

Interoception: Sensation of one’s own body components including the internal
organs. These sensations are carried through the autonomic afferent fibers
to the brain, forming the subjective sense of emotion during an outburst.
It also contributes to the perception of one’s own bodily self.
Introspection: Perceiving one’s own mental activities.
Kin selection: A theory of natural selection based on immediate genetic
Leukocytes: Synonymous with white blood cells.
Long-term potentiation (LTP): A physiological phenomenon in which a burst
of repetitive stimulation of a neuron leads to the long-lasting facilitation of
the synaptic transmission. It is believed to be the mechanism of memory and
learning at the neuronal level.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): A non-invasive method to visualize
internal organs using the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance. Under
strong maganetic field, with the aid of radio-frequency pulses and a com-
puter, detailed images of an organ in a live animal can be constructed. MRI
produces more detailed images than X-ray, ultrasound and CT scan do, and
is very useful for visualizing brain structures. (see also “functional MRI”)
Mega-self: A unit of self that is formed by the congregation of smaller selves.
Messenger RNA (mRNA): RNA molecule sent from the nucleus to the
ribosomes; it contains information for the assemblage of amino acids into
Metabolism: Overall changes of nutrients within a cell as a result of which
energy from food is harnessed and utilized.
MHC (Major histocompatibility complex) protein: Found on mammalian
cell surface; functions in adaptive immunity and also serves as a marker for
recognition of self against non-self during tissue or organ transplantation.
Mind, theory of: A function of the brain (or mind) to formulate that other
persons also have a mind.
Mirror neurons: Neurons that become active when an animal sees another
animal performing an act that requires the activity of those neurons. Believed
to be related to the mechanism of empathy.
Mitochondria: Small particles (organelles) in the cell in which TCA cycle and
oxidative phosphorylation take place.

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