Self And The Phenomenon Of Life: A Biologist Examines Life From Molecules To Humanity

(Sean Pound) #1
358 Self and the Phenomenon of Life

b2726 Self and the Phenomenon of Life: A Biologist Examines Life from Molecules to Humanity “9x6”

Nucleoside: A compound consisting of a nucleobase linked to a ribose or
deoxyribose sugar.
Nucleotide: A compound consisting of a nucleoside linked to a phosphate
group. A nucleic acid such as DNA and RNA is a polymer of nucleotides
Nucleus accumbens: A deep brain structure in the temporal lobe involved in
motivation and reward.
Nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS): A major relay center (in the medulla) for
visceral sensation to reach the brain.
Nucleus: In this book, the word is used in two senses. (1) The nucleus inside
a cell is the spherical structure containing DNA in the form of chromatin.
(2)  The nucleus of a brain refers to the aggregate of neuronal cell bodies
(gray matter) deep inside the brain.
Orbito-frontal cortex: see Ventro-medial prefrontal cortex.
Oxidative phosphorylation: Phosphorylation of ADP to ATP coupled with
the formation of H 2 O by the combination of molecular oxygen (from air)
and the hydrogen generated at the end of the electron transport chain in the
Parabrachial nucleus: An emotional center located in the pons. Receives
sensory fibers from visceral organs via the nucleus tractus solitarius, and
projects to the higher emotional centers.
Parasympathetic nervous system: The component of the autonomic nervous
system that is responsible for counteracting the sympathetic response, i.e.,
to restore the animal to its resting state.
Peptide: A short version of protein usually containing less than 20 amino acids.
Loosely speaking, any polymer of amino acids is a peptide; in this sense a
protein is a polypeptide.
Periaqueductal gray: An emotional center in the midbrain. Involved in pain,
defense, and sexual behavior.
Phagocytes: Animal cells capable of directly engulfing pathogens. They include
neutrophils in the blood and macrophage in the blood and tissues.
Place cells: Hippocampal neurons whose activity correlates with the memory
of space.
Plasma membrane: A membrane that encloses a cell. In plants, the plasma
membrane is covered by a layer of cell wall.

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