Self And The Phenomenon Of Life: A Biologist Examines Life From Molecules To Humanity

(Sean Pound) #1
368 Self and the Phenomenon of Life

b2726 Self and the Phenomenon of Life: A Biologist Examines Life from Molecules to Humanity “9x6”

autoimmunity, 122
autonomic nervous system, 144,
axon hillock, 129f, 131, 132
axon, 128–132

B lymphocytes (B cells), 114, 117,
Bacon, F., 317
bacterial quorum sensing, 82, 260
Bard, P., 186, 194
Barnes maze 218, 348
Barrow, J.D., 321
Bartel, D.P., 44
Bataan Death March, 290, 291
Bekoff, M., 279
Benner, S., 14n, 72n
Berger, H., 168
Berridge, K.C., 189f, 205n
Bliss, T., 225
Boltzmann, L., 243, 244
Brahman, 325
brain stem, 142f, 340
brain, as mirror, 158, 309
brain, as projector, 158

Cairn-Smith, A.G., 42, 48
Callahan, M.P., 36
Calvin, M., 49
Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, 186
Cannon, W.B., 66, 186, 194
Capgras syndrome, 200
catastrophe theory, 242
Cech, T.R., 72n
Central Dogma, 24, 25f, 56
cerebellum, 140f, 142f, 340
Chalmers, D.J., 313n
Chan (Zen), 330, 331n, 334n
Changeux, J.-P., 172
chaos theory, 241
chimpanzee territorial war, 287, 288

Chuang-Tzu (Zhuangzi), 299, 311n,
Churchland, P.M., 312n, 331n
Churchland, P.S., 312n, 331n
cingulate cortex, 144f, 188f, 189f,
191, 199
clay, in origin of life, 34, 40–48
clonal selection, 119f
codon, 22–24, 25, 51–55
cogito, ergo sum, 300
comets, in origin of life, 36t
concept cells, 154
conditioning, classical, 217, 222f
conditioning, operant, 217, 218
conflicts, intra-species, 287-292
consciousness, diffuse mode, 170,
consciousness, discrete mode, 170,
cosmic dust, in origin of life, 36, 38t
cosmic religiosity, 324–327
cosmic self, 315, 325
Crick, F., 25, 43, 58, 172
criminal justice, 283
cyclic AMP, 40, 87, 135, 223f, 226f

Damasio, A.R., 204n
Daoism (Taoism), 324
Darwin, C., 60, 61, 266
Dawkins, R., 4, 5, 63, 278
De Duve, C., 49, 58
Deecke, L., 250
defensin, 113
deism, 66
dendrite, 128–131
dendritic cells, 113–115, 120
dendritic spine, 129f, 130, 132, 145,
224–226, 229
Dennett, D.C., 253n, 302
dentate gyrus, 212, 213f, 228, 339
depolarization, 131f, 132, 226f

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