Self And The Phenomenon Of Life: A Biologist Examines Life From Molecules To Humanity

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 369

“9x6” b2726 Self and the Phenomenon of Life: A Biologist Examines Life from Molecules to Humanity

Descartes, R., 182, 300, 311n, 324
DNA replication, 26
DNA structure, 21
dopamine, 134t, 188, 193, 194f, 201,
268, 337f
dopaminergic mesolimbic pathway,
189f, 190
drosophila memory, 147, 224

Eccles, J.C., 313n
Edelman, G.M., 172, 313
Eigen, M., 58
Einstein, A. 66, 231, 324, 327,
electro-encephalography (EEG),
electron transport chain, 28, 29f
emergence, 68, 302, 303
emotion, appraisal of, 194, 195
emotion, centers of, 186–192
emotion, definition of, 181, 204n
emotion, expression of, 181
emotion, mechanism of, 196, 197
emotion, sensation of, 192
emotion, sympathetic discharge
and, 186, 195, 197
emotions, echelon of, 202t
empathy, 272, 273
endorphin, 160n
enkephalin, 190
entorhinal cortex, 144, 211–213, 227,
228, 339
epigenetics, 64, 277
epinephrine, 185f, 337f
ethylene, 98, 104
eukaryotes, 80
eusociality, 265
excitatory post-synaptic potential
(EPSP), 132, 225
exteroception, 164, 192, 196
extremophiles, 80

fantasy, 216, 217
feeling, definition of, 181, 204n
Feng, Y. 319, 331n
Ferris, J.P., 71n
fight-or-flight, 186
flavonoids, 103
formamide, 36t, 38t, 42, 48, 49
Franklin, B. 329
Franks, N. 246
free will, as selector, 245
free will, chances and, 242, 244
free will, definition of, 239
free will, implicit cause of, 238, 240
free will, mind and, 244–246
free will, physiological basis of,
Freud, S., 157, 207n, 325
frontal lobe, 141f, 142f, 191, 252, 339
Fukushima nuclear disaster, 274

gamma amino-butyric acid (GABA),
134t, 337f
Gauguin, P., 15
Gazzaniga, M.S., 161n
genetic code, origin of, 25t, 51–54
genetic drift, 304
Gilbert, W., 70n
glia, 135
glutamic acid, 25, 35, 39, 52, 134t,
226f, 337f
glycine, 25, 35–37, 39, 50, 52, 134,
glycolysis, 26, 28, 29f
Gould, S.J., 272, 313n
grid cells, 227

habituation, 136, 139, 167, 213,
220–222, 224
Haldane, J.B.S., 265
Hamilton, A., 179
Hamilton, W.D., 265, 266

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