Self And The Phenomenon Of Life: A Biologist Examines Life From Molecules To Humanity

(Sean Pound) #1
370 Self and the Phenomenon of Life

b2726 Self and the Phenomenon of Life: A Biologist Examines Life from Molecules to Humanity “9x6”

happiness, what is, 282
Hawking. S., 298n, 318
Hebb, D.O., 144, 220
Heisenberg, W., 331n
Henry, P., 237
Hippocampal formation, 212f
hippocampus, 144f, 209–213,
227–231, 339
histamine, 134, 337f
HM (Molaison, Henry) 210–214
Hobbes, T., 297n
Hofstadter, D.R., 77n
Holmes, O.W., 198
homeostasis, 31
honeybees, 147, 148, 262, 265
Hoyle, F. 9
Hume, D., 198, 240, 243
Hutchinson, C.A., 75n
hyperpolarization, 132, 359
hypothalamus, 144f, 174, 176,
184–187, 191, 192, 196, 197f, 340

imagination, 216, 217
immune surveillance, 115, 124
immunity, adaptive, 116–119
immunity, and self, 119–125
immunity, in animals, 109–125
immunity, in microbes, 81
immunity, in plants, 104–106
immunity, innate, 112–116
incompatibilism, 240
inhibitory post-synaptic potential
(IPSP), 132
instinctive behavior, 147–149
insular cortex, 188f, 188–193, 199,
272, 339
intelligent design, 66
interferons, 116
interoception, 164, 185f, 192, 196,
Ives, C., 326

Jablonka, E., 8n, 297n
James-Lang theory of emotion, 183
James, W., 167, 182, 183, 193, 238,
jasmonate, 98, 104
Jenner, E., 112
Jennings, H.S, 79, 85, 90, 91, 307
Joyce, G.F., 71n, 72n

Kandel, E.R., 157, 220–223
Kant, I., 32, 231
Kauffman, S., 56–58
Kety, S.S., 127, 312n
Kluver, H., 186, 187
knowledge, sphere of, 318f
Koch, C., 305
Kornhuber, H.H., 250
Koshland, D.E., 13n, 92n
Kuhn, T.S., 66, 330

Landsteiner, K., 110
Langer, S.K., 207n
Laozi (Lao-Tzu), 323
Laplace, P.-S., 241
Libet, B., 250
life, definitions of, 10, 11
limbic system, 143, 144f, 187
Lock, J., 297n
locus ceruleus, 170, 174, 340
Lomo, T., 225
long-term depression (LTD), 225
long-term potentiation (LTP),
Lorenz, E.N., 241
Lorenz, K., 149, 199, 269
lymphocytes, 109, 114t, 116–120

MacLean, P., 157f
macrophages, 114, 115
magneto-encephalography (MEG),
170, 345

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