324 Chapter 11
Modern molecular biology has ushered in a new era in
endocrine research, where nuclear receptors can be identified
and their genes cloned before their hormone ligands are known.
In fact, scientists have currently identified the hormone ligand
for only about half of the approximately 70 different nuclear
receptors that are now known. The receptors for unknown hor-
mone ligands are called orphan receptors. For example, the
receptor known as the retinoid X receptor (abbreviated RXR)
was an orphan until its ligand, 9- cis -retinoic acid (a vitamin A
derivative) was discovered. The significance of this receptor
will be described shortly.
Mechanism of Steroid Hormone Action
In general, steroid hormones exert their effects by entering their
target cells and binding to nuclear receptor proteins. Thus, they
influence their target tissue by stimulating genetic transcription.
This mechanism is known as the genomic action of steroids and
requires at least 30 minutes to work. Although this is the classi-
cally described mechanism of steroid action, it doesn’t explain
the observation that some effects occur within seconds to min-
utes. These effects are too fast to be explained by binding to
nuclear receptors and changes in genetic expression. This faster,
nongenomic action of steroids may occur in the cytoplasm of the
target cells and involve the activation of second-messenger sys-
tems, similar to the way polar hormones regulate their target cells
(discussed shortly). The genomic actions of steroids are better
established, and so only the genomic effects of steroid hormones
will be described in this section.
In the classic, genomic mechanism of steroid hormone
action, the receptors for the steroid hormones are located in
the cytoplasm before the steroid arrives. Depending on the ste-
roid and the tissue, however, unbound steroid receptors may be
located in the nucleus as well. (The particular distribution of
the receptor between the cytoplasm and nucleus varies.) When
the cytoplasmic receptors bind to their specific steroid hormone
ligands, they translocate (move) to the nucleus. Once in the
nucleus, the steroid hormone-receptor protein complexes bind
to specific DNA sequences called hormone response elements
in the regulatory regions of target genes ( fig. 11.5 ).
As illustrated in figure 11.5 , the hormone-response element
of DNA consists of two half-sites, each six nucleotide bases long,
separated by a three-nucleotide spacer segment. One steroid recep-
tor, bound to one molecule of the steroid hormone, attaches as a
single unit to one of the half-sites. Another steroid receptor, bound
to another steroid hormone, attaches to the other half-site of the
hormone-response element. The process of two receptor units com-
ing together at the two half-sites is called dimerization ( fig. 11.5 ).
Because both receptor units of the pair are the same, the steroid
receptor is said to form a homodimer. (The situation is different
for the nonsteroid family of receptors, as will be described.) Once
dimerization has occurred, the activated nuclear hormone recep-
tor stimulates transcription of particular genes, and thus hormonal
regulation of the target cell (see fig. 11.4 ).
Even this classical, genomic mechanism of steroid hormone
action is an oversimplification. For example, there are drugs
including enzyme proteins that change the metabolism of the
target cell.
Each nuclear hormone receptor has two regions, or domains:
a ligand (hormone)-binding domain and a DNA- binding domain
( fig. 11.5 ). The receptor must be activated by binding to its hor-
mone ligand before it can bind to a specific region of the DNA,
which is called a hormone-response element. This is a short
DNA span, composed of characteristic nucleotide bases, located
adjacent to the gene that will be transcribed in response to the
hormone-activated nuclear receptor.
The nuclear receptors are said to constitute a superfam-
ily composed of two major families: the steroid family and
the thyroid hormone ( or nonsteroid) family. In addition to the
receptor for thyroid hormone, the latter family also includes
the receptors for the active form of vitamin D and for retinoic
acid (derived from vitamin A, or retinol). Vitamin D and reti-
noic acid, like the steroid and thyroid hormones, are lipophilic
molecules that play important roles in the regulation of cell
function and organ physiology.
Figure 11.5 Receptors for steroid hormones.
( a ) Each nuclear hormone receptor protein has a ligand-binding
domain, which binds to a hormone molecule, and a DNA-binding
domain, which binds to the hormone-response element of DNA.
( b ) Binding to the hormone causes the receptor to dimerize on
the half-sites of the hormone-response element. This stimulates
genetic transcription (synthesis of RNA).
Receptor protein
for steroid hormone
Target gene
Dimerization of receptor
Genetic transcription