686 Chapter 19
adipose tissue (there appears to be few b 3 receptors in the ordi-
nary, white fat of humans, and none in other tissues). As may
be recalled from earlier in this chapter, brown fat is a special-
ized tissue that contains an uncoupling protein that dissoci-
ates electron transport from the production of ATP. As a result,
brown fat can have a very high rate of energy expenditure
(unchecked by negative feedback from ATP) that is stimulated
by epinephrine.
Metabolic Effects of Glucocorticoids
Hydrocortisone (cortisol) and other glucocorticoids are secreted
by the adrenal cortex in response to ACTH stimulation. The
secretion of ACTH from the anterior pituitary occurs as part of
the general adaptation syndrome in response to stress (chap-
ter 11; section 11.4). Because prolonged fasting or prolonged
exercise certainly qualify as stressors, ACTH—and thus gluco-
corticoid secretion—is stimulated under these conditions. The
increased secretion of glucocorticoids during prolonged fast-
ing or exercise supports the effects of increased glucagon and
decreased insulin secretion from the pancreatic islets.
Like glucagon, hydrocortisone promotes lipolysis and
ketogenesis; it also stimulates the synthesis of hepatic enzymes
that promote gluconeogenesis. Although hydrocortisone stim-
ulates enzyme (protein) synthesis in the liver, it promotes pro-
tein breakdown in the muscles. Breakdown of muscle proteins
increases the blood levels of amino acids, providing the sub-
strates needed for gluconeogenesis by the liver. The release
of circulating energy substrates—amino acids, glucose, fatty
acids, and ketone bodies—into the blood in response to hydro-
cortisone ( fig. 19.15 ) helps compensate for a state of prolonged
fasting or exercise.
The thyroid follicles secrete thyroxine, also called tetraiodo-
thyronine ( T 4 ), in response to stimulation by thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH) from the anterior pituitary. The thyroid also
secretes smaller amounts of triiodothyronine ( T 3 ) in response
to stimulation by TSH. Almost all organs in the body are targets
of thyroxine action. Thyroxine itself, however, is not the active
form of the hormone within the target cells; thyroxine is a pre-
hormone that must first be converted to triiodothyronine (T 3 )
within the target cells to be active (chapter 11; see fig. 11.6).
Acting via its conversion to T 3 , thyroxine (1) regulates the rate
of cell respiration and (2) contributes to proper growth and
development, particularly during early childhood.
Thyroxine (via its conversion to T 3 ) stimulates the rate of cell
respiration in almost all cells in the body—an effect believed to
be due to a lowering of cellular ATP concentrations. This effect is
produced by the production of uncoupling proteins (as in brown
fat, discussed previously). ATP exerts an end-product inhibition
(chapter 4, section 4.2) of cell respiration, so that when ATP con-
centrations decrease, the rate of cell respiration increases.
Much of the energy liberated during cell respiration escapes
as heat, and uncoupling proteins increase the proportion of
Epinephrine, cortisol, thyroxine, and growth hormone stim-
ulate the catabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Thyrox-
ine and growth hormone promote protein synthesis, body
growth, and proper development of the central nervous
After studying this section, you should be able to:
- Explain how catecholamines, glucocorticoids, and
thyroid hormones regulate metabolism. - Explain how growth hormone regulates metabolism.
The anabolic effects of insulin are antagonized by glucagon, as
previously described, and by the actions of a variety of other
hormones. The hormones of the adrenals, thyroid, and anterior
pituitary (specifically growth hormone) antagonize the action
of insulin on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The actions
of insulin, thyroxine, and growth hormone, however, can act
synergistically in the stimulation of protein synthesis.
Adrenal Hormones
The adrenal gland consists of two parts that function as separate
glands, secreting different hormones and regulated by different
control systems (chapter 11, section 11.4). The adrenal medulla
secretes catecholamine hormones—epinephrine and lesser amounts
of norepinephrine—in response to sympathetic nerve stimulation.
The adrenal cortex secretes corticosteroid hormones. These are
grouped into two functional categories: mineralocorticoids, such
as aldosterone, which act on the kidneys to regulate Na^1 and K^1
balance (chapter 17, section 17.5), and glucocorticoids, such as
hydrocortisone (cortisol), which participate in metabolic regulation.
Metabolic Effects of Catecholamines
The metabolic effects of catecholamines (epinephrine and nor-
epinephrine) are similar to those of glucagon. They stimulate
glycogenolysis and the release of glucose from the liver, as
well as lipolysis and the release of fatty acids from adipose
tissue. These actions occur in response to glucagon during fast-
ing, when low blood glucose stimulates glucagon secretion,
and in response to catecholamines during the fight-or-flight
reaction to stress. The latter effect provides circulating energy
substrates in anticipation of the need for intense physical activ-
ity. Glucagon and epinephrine have similar mechanisms of
action, where both are mediated by cyclic AMP ( fig. 19.14 ).
Sympathetic nerves, acting through the release of norepi-
nephrine, can stimulate b 3 -adrenergic receptors in brown