exponents are due to the fractal-like design of the networks and surfaces that
supply energy and materials used by cells in biological metabolism (Westet al.,
1997 , 1999). One additional advance has strengthened and extended this theo-
retical foundation. The well documented exponential effect of temperature on
metabolic rate can be incorporated by adding a Boltzmann–Arrhenius factor,
eE/kT, to Eq. (1.1). Whole organism metabolic rate or production,P, can then be
expressed as:
P¼P 0 M^3 =^4 eE=kT ( 1 : 2 )
whereEis the activation energy,kis Boltzmann’s constant (8.62 10 ^5 eV/K),
andTis absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin (Gilloolyet al., 2001, 2002).
Therefore, mass-specific metabolic rate, B, and most other rates can be
expressed as:
B¼P=M¼B 0 M^1 =^4 eE=kT ( 1 : 3 )
whereB 0 is another normalization constant. The addition of temperature to this
model proved critical to the development of a metabolic theory of ecology (MTE)
(Brownet al., 2004). MTE incorporates these fundamental effects of body size and
temperature on individual metabolic rate to explain patterns and processes at
different levels of biological organization: from the life histories of individuals,
to the structure and dynamics of populations and communities, to the fluxes
and pools of energy and materials in ecosystems. Brownet al.(2004) began to
develop MTE in some detail, made many testable predictions, and evaluated
some of these predictions, using data compiled from the literature for a wide
variety of ecological phenomena, taxonomic and functional groups of organ-
isms, and types of ecosystems.
Here we apply the metabolic theory of ecology to focus on some important
correlates and consequences of body size in marine and freshwater ecosystems.
In so doing, we build on a rich tradition that extends back over a century. Many
of the most eminent aquatic ecologists have contributed. Several themes have
been pursued. With respect to population dynamics and species interactions,
this includes work from Gause ( 1934 ), Hutchinson (1959), Brooks and Dodson
(1965), Paine (1974), Leibold and Wilbur (1992) and Morin ( 1995 , 1999). With
respect to distributions of biomass, abundance and energy use across species,
this includes work from Sheldon and Parsons ( 1967 ), Sheldonet al.(1972, 1977),
Cyr and Peters ( 1996 ) and Kerr and Dickie (2001). With respect to food webs, this
includes work from Lindeman ( 1942 ), Odum (1956), Hutchinson (1959),
Carpenter and Kitchell (1988), Sprules and Bowerman ( 1988 ) and Cohenet al.
(2003). Finally, with respect to nutrient relations and ecological stochiometry,
this includes work from Redfield ( 1958 ), Schindler ( 1974 ), Wetzel ( 1984 ) and,
more recently, Sterner and Elser (2002). Many of these themes have been
addressed by the contributors to this volume.