9780521861724htl 1..2

(Jacob Rumans) #1
community (ANCOVA:F1,28¼2.49,P¼0.126). A higher value ofzfor the SAR of
the LL is attributed to a rapid increase in species richness with increasing area,
with a ten-fold increase in species number over a spatial scale encompassing an
order of magnitude (Fig.8.8). In contrast, over the same spatial scale species
richness increased four-fold in the SB but only two-fold in the MY. Moreover, a
wider range of the scale-dependent coefficientcfor the SB and LL invertebrate
communities implies higher sample-to-sample variations in species richness at
small spatial scales compared to the MY.
Empirical observations suggested that the parameterzof the SAR is about 1/4
for many ecosystems (Rosenzweig, 1995 ). Thez-values of the SAR differed from a
1/4 assumption for the LL (t¼13.45;df¼13,P<0.001) and MY (t¼9.46,df¼13,
P<0.001) but were close to 1/4 for the SB community (t¼0.49,df¼15,
P¼0.628). The results indicate thatz-values, and therefore SARs, do not display
a common scale-invariant behaviour across stream systems.

Table 8.4Regression parameters of the power-law relationship between the mean number of
species and sampled areas of sizel¼k^2 in the streams Seebach (SB), Llwch (LL) and
Mynach (MY).cgives the intercept, z the slope,r^2 is the variance explained by the correlation
of area with mean number of species per area,Fis the value of the variance ratio test,dfare
the degrees of freedom,P-values are given for theF-test. Bootstrap confidence limits (95%)
are given in parentheses forcandzvalues.

Stream c(95% CL) z(95% CL) r^2 FdfP
SB 134.50 0.233 0.903 139.46 1,15 <0.001
(107.90, 205.12) (0.140, 0.282)
LL 34.36 0.448 0.968 395.06 1,13 <0.001
(28.64, 56.89) (0.338, 0.498)
MY 92.05 0.200 0.992 1694.93 1,13 <0.001
(87.30, 96.16) (0.190, 0.214)

Area, λ (m–2)

Mean number of species, < 1 10 100 1000

S^ > (







Figure 8.8Species-area relationship (SAR)
of all benthic invertebrate species for
three geographically separate stream
ecosystem, the SB, LL and MY. The plot
shows the linear regression of log mean
number of species on log area, inl ¼k^2
intervals (see details in text). The
regression equations are given in


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