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(Jacob Rumans) #1


absolute abundance, microbial species169–171
and metabolic rate8–9
distribution across species 2
Acartia tonsa(copepod)24–25
acidification effects in freshwaters112–113
adaptive dynamics
evolutionarily unbeatable strategy 36
fitness definition 36
frequency and density dependence36–37
relationship of traits to fitness35–36
trade-offs among traits35–36
adaptive dynamics life history model35–36
Allee effect236–237
allometric equations, form of1–2
allometric scaling strategies227–228
alternative states and body size distributions
aquatic ecosystems
body size as a structuring force98–99
individual biomass production rates 5
individual metabolic rate and body size4–5
temperature corrections3–4
aquatic invertebrates (dispersal and body size)
188–193, 195, 196, 198 , 200, 201
active dispersers in freshwaters188–189
active dispersers in freshwaters (case studies)188,
dispersal in marine systems191–193
dispersal in marine systems (case studies)199–203
passive dispersers in freshwaters188, 190–191
passive dispersers in freshwaters (case studies)
188, 196–199
Arctic char236, 237
Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) 41
Avelia martinicensis 175

B (mass-specific metabolic rate) 2
b(scaling exponent)1–44, 45
Bacillus cereus 247
Bacillus subtilus 247
bacteria, body size 1
barndoor skate (Dipturus laevis) 267–268

biodiversity characteristics
macroscopic organisms 169
microbial species 169
biogeogra phy and size see microbi al species
biological scaling relations1–4
and body size (stream communities)56, 57, 60, 61,
62, 68–71
and diversity246–247
consumer:producer ratios11–12
distribution across species 2
estimates 42
biomass invariance mechanisms146, 148–152
biomass per unit volume, consistency of 245
biomass production rates, individual organisms 5
biomass turnover (P/B)
factors affecting 000
range of rates 000
biomass turnover (P/B) and body size
(stream communities) 000
application of the MTE60, 62–68
biomass56, 57, 60, 61, 62, 68–71
biomass turnover rate (P/B) predictions and
results56, 57, 61, 62, 63, 66, 68–71
differences in temperate and subtropical streams
60, 62–68
discussion60, 62–68
metabolic theory of ecology55–56
population density56, 60, 61–62, 65,
predictions56–57, 68–71
production (P)56, 57, 61, 63, 64, 68–71
results60–62, 63, 64, 65, 66
secondary production rate55–56,
study streams57–59
tests of predictions59–60
bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) 39, 40
body size
adaptive plasticity in Cladocera37–39
correlation with characteristics of organisms1–2
early writings and studies ix –x
link to patterns in natural systems 98
range of variation among organisms 1
relation to metabolic rate1–2
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