Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

your personal life with your co-workers or limit your interaction to polite greetings?
Should you profess an interest in opera or the Superbowl? The socialization is usu-
ally into what “should” be done, not what “must” be done. You will not be thrown
out onto the street for mentioning the Superbowl when the social norm is to like opera,
but you will find your prestige lessened. You will be less likely to belong to the most
coveted peer groups and less likely to rise to positions of leadership in the group.
Socialization into gender is one of the most profound and thorough, occupying
a great deal of the time and energy of a great many agents of socialization through-
out the life course. From the moment babies return from the hospital in pink or blue
blankets, or wear their first outfits marked with “Daddy’s Little Princess” or “Daddy’s
Little Slugger,” they undergo gender socializationto accept two entirely different sets
of social norms. Boys are expected to be tough, aggressive, loud, and athletic; and
girls to be sensitive, passive, quiet, and nonathletic.


Caring for Others
Socialization touches every aspect of our lives. It’s through socialization that we learn the
norms, values, and beliefs of our culture and the groups we belong to. Agents of socialization
such as the family, religion, and peers teach us how to live in the world and how to view the
world, but not everyone is socialized the same. One thing we learn from those around us is how
much we are supposed to care about others versus how much we should invest in self-interest.
Men and women are socialized to care in different ways and to express concern for others in
different ways, as well. So, what do you think?





❍Strongly agree
❍Neither agree nor disagree
❍Strongly disagree

People need not worry about others.


See the back of the chapter to compare your answers to national survey data.

ZBoys may be called “sissies”
when they defy gender expec-
tations (as in this image from
the movie Billy Elliot) and
girls called “tomboys.” But
sanctions for gender non-
conformity are more severe
for boys than for girls.
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