Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

OBJECTIVE: Use sociology to think about the ways race and ethnic relationships are portrayed in the media.

STEP 1: Collect Data
To collect some data, plan to watch one hour of television.
Your best bet is to watch one of the major networks like ABC, NBC, or CBS. Unlike much of cable broadcasting, these three net-
works are specifically designed to target a larger audience. Record the date and time you watched television. For each television
show or commercial you observe during this one-hour period, record the number of characters portrayed by their racial/ethnic
heritage. In other words, how many White people appeared? How many African Americans? What other groups were portrayed?
You may also want to note gender and social class for a more detailed analysis. List not only the shows but also the commer-
cials during this time period. Take notes on a separate piece of paper and then transfer the totals to a grid like the one below.

Be sure to include the following information in your final results.

Your name: ____
Date and time you completed project: __
Name of network: ____
How many television shows did you watch during this period?

List the name of the show(s): _____

How many commercials? ___
List the products sold in each commercial: _

African Other/Note the
American White Ethnicity

  1. Number of people or characters from
    each category

  2. The central figure, star, leader, or most
    important person in each scene

  3. The “bad guy,” criminal, or other person
    shown in a negative role

  4. The number in each category appearing as
    wealthy or of higher social class

  5. The number of females in each category

  6. The number of males in each category

  7. The number in each category appearing as
    poor or lower social class

  8. The number in each category interacting with
    members of a different racial/ethnic category

  9. The number of times shown in
    nonstereotypical roles

  10. The number in each category appearing as
    the “good guy” or good person

STEP 2: Evaluate
Think about what your results have to say about the issues of prejudice, discrimination, and institutional discrimination. Did
you notice patterns? If so, please explain. If you do not notice any patterns, you may need to extend the time period of your
television viewing.

STEP 3: Discuss
Be prepared to share your results in class.

The Media and Racial and Ethnic


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