Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1
studies, they found “a surprising degree of similarity” between the sexes and in how
they are raised, especially in the first few years of life. They found only four areas with
significant and consistent gender differences:

1.Girls have somewhat higher verbal ability.

2.Boys have somewhat better visual and spatial ability.

3.Boys do somewhat better on mathematical tests.

4.Boys were significantly more aggressive than girls.

A recent review of all available research on gender differences found little or no
difference on virtually every single characteristic or behavior (Hyde, 2005).

The Social Construction of Gender

Sociologists speak of gender as socially constructed. The social construction of gender
means that we construct our gender identities all through our lives, using the cultural
materials we find around us. Our gender identities are both voluntary—we choose
to become who we are—and coerced—we are pressured, forced, and often physically
threatened to conform to certain rules. We don’t make up the rules we have to play
by, but we do bend them and shape them to make them feel like they’re ours.


Gender Roles
According to traditional gender roles, a man’s role within a family is to provide monetary sup-
port, while a woman’s primary role is to provide caring and nurturing. But the reality for many
women is that a working outside the home is not an option but a necessity. As the economy and
standards of living have changed, it has become socially acceptable, even expected, for women
to work and contribute financially to the household. Meanwhile, more men are staying at home
with the children and taking on most of the child and house care duties for the couple. Shifting
norms include shifting public views on the subject. The more people see it happening, the more
normalized it becomes, and social acceptance eventually follows. So, what do you think?

See the back of the chapter to compare your answers to national survey data.





❍strongly agree
❍neither agree nor disagree
❍strongly disagree

A man’s job is to earn money; a woman’s job is to look after the home and family.


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