Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1
IS THERE A GENEthat makes us religious? Is a belief in God encoded in our DNA? Or is it
the other way around: Does faith in science undermine our religious beliefs?

These questions are part of global debate about religion and science. Many people think
of religion and science as competitors, even as enemies. After all, both seek answers to life’s

big questions, but they use very different methods and come up with different answers.
There weren’t always two major sources of knowledge available in the world. Every soci-
ety has religion, but only a few societies have science. Science is far more recent. When

medieval religious authorities wrote that tree frogs would die if exposed to rain, they
weren’t reporting on the results of a scientific experiment. In fact, they didn’t ever go out

and look at any frogs in the rain. They relied on anecdotes, classical authors, or logical
deduction. Frogs are associated with
the earth; water is the opposite of

earth; so obviously water kills frogs.
Around 1400, philosophers

started to use what would be called
the “scientific method,” systematic,

experimental studies that uncover the facts of the natural world. Unfortunately, the facts
they uncovered often disagreed with religious doctrine. The sun doesn’t revolve around
Earth. The equatorial regions are not too hot to support life. Earth is much more than

6,000 years old. The Church conceded some points, but not others, and the competition
between religion and science

Even though science and
religion seek to do so many of

the same things and often
come to different conclusions,

they are not necessarily rivals
in society. Strong religious
belief and deep scientific

knowledge can coexist. In fact, the United States is simultaneously one of the most
scientifically advanced and one of the most deeply religious countries in the world.

Religion and



Strong religious belief and strong

scientific knowledge can coexist. In fact,

the United States is simultaneously one

of the most scientifically advanced and

one of the most deeply religious

countries in the world.

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