Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

Domestic labor, 442
Doubt, role exit and, 80
Dramaturgical model, 24
Dramaturgy, 73–74
definition of, 542
recreational, 541–542
therapeutic, 542
Durkheim’s views, 16–18
on religion, 489–490
Dyads, 81
Dying, 360–362
stages of, 361

Eating disorders, 526, 527, 528
Ecclesiae, 493–494
Economic development, 419–425
Economic systems, 425–429
capitalism, 425–427
communism, 428–429
socialism, 427–428
Economies, 418–434
agricultural, 419
American, 429–434
corporations and, 431–434
definition of, 418
global, classification of, 230–232
industrial, 419–420
industrialization and, 430–431
modern, 420–421
postindustrial, 421–425, 431
theories of, 418
in 21st century, 451
world, 235
Ecosystems, 640
“Edge cities,” 634
Education, 554–584. See alsoSchool(s)
as agent of socialization, 152
bilingual, 568
completing formal schooling and, 558,
confidence in, 576, 584–585
cultural literacy and, 563–564
gender identity and, 571–572
gender inequality in school and, 569–571
globalization and, 559–564
higher. SeeCollege campuses; Higher edu-
history of, 557–559
home schooling and, 574–575
intelligence and literacy and, 562–563
“marketization” of, 581–582
mobility and, 565–566
No Child Left Behind Act and, 575
political party affiliation and, 470
privatization and, 573–574
racial achievement gap and, 570
school reform and, 572
as social institution, 556–557
structure of, inequality and, 566–568
tracking and, 568–569
in 21st century, 582–583
Educational profile, 560

Efficiency in bureaucracies, 95
Ego, 147–148
Elder care, 366–367
Elderly people, poverty among, 222
“Elderly” status, 77
Elected office. SeePolitical office
Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer (ENIAC), 594
Elementary and Secondary School Act of
2002, 575
Embryonic stem cell research, political de-
bate over, 510
EMI, 601
Emigration, 620–622
Emigration rate, 622
Emma(Austen), 349
Emotional problems, 541, 552–553
Empirical verification, 488
Employment, 434–445. See alsoWorkplace
balancing work and family and, 303
blue-collar, 437–438
of children, 231, 349, 373–376
contingent and “on call” work and, 444
forced and bonded labor, 375–376
gender inequality in, 298–304
gender wage gap and, 297, 300–301
glass ceiling and glass escalator and,
global economies and, 230–231
Hawthorne Effect and, 435
industrial economies and, 420
knowledge work and, 422
labor unions and, 438
manufacturing consent and, 436
part-time, 443
pink-collar, 438–439
poverty and, 221
self-employment and, 442–443
service work and, 439–440
sex segregation in, 299–300
sexual harassment and, 302–303
social mobility and, 227–228
Theory X and Theory Y and, 435–436
in 21st century, 451
unpaid work and, 441–442
white-collar, 436–437
working off the books and, 440–441
working poor and, 440
Encoding/decoding, 598–599
Energy, 642
as official language, 48, 66
as a second language, 568
Enron, 183, 185
Environments.See alsoCities; Human envi-
ronment; Natural environment
in 21st century, 647
Epidemiology, 533
Equal Rights Amendment, 309
ESL (English as a second language), 568
Ethics in research, 132–133
Ethnic cleansing, 30

Ethnic groups, 262–275. See also specific
Ethnic identity, sexuality and, 334–335
Ethnicity, 262. See alsoMinority groups;
Race; Race and ethnicity; specific
“choosing,” 271
conflict based on, 271–272
families and, 388–391
race versus, 244–245
social mobility and, 228–229
Ethnic Options(Waters), 271
Ethnocentrism, 42
Ethnography, 115–117
Ethnomethodology, 75
Eugenics, 250
European Americans, 263
families of, 388–389
Everyday work, 539
Everything in Its Path(Erikson), 647
Evolution, political debate over, 509–510
Evolutionary imperative, 283
Exchange as pattern of social interaction, 75
Exogamy, 384
Experiment(s), 111, 112–114, 126
field, 134
Experimental group, 112
Extended family, 386
Extramarital sex, 320, 344–345
Extraneous variables, 112

Facebook, 91
Face work, 74
Fads, 59–60
Failing at Fairness(Sadker), 570
Fair Housing Act of 1968, 254
Fairness of others, perceptions of, 33, 36–37
Family(ies), 380–414
as agent of socialization, 151–152
balancing work with, 303
blended, 408–409
culture and forms of, 383–384
development of, 385–386
divorce and, 406–409
ethnicity and, 388–391
extended, 386
family unit and, 384–385
forming, 391–401
intergenerational and intragenerational
violence in, 410–413
interracial, 400, 414–415
intimate partner violence in, 409–410
as kinship systems, 382–383
marriage and. SeeMarriage
nuclear, 287, 386–388
of origin, 384
parenting and. SeeParenting
of procreation, 384–385
single-parent, 402–403
in 21st century, 413
Family corporations, 431–432
Fans, 606–607
Fashions, 60
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