Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

Religion(s) (continued)
Weber and social change and, 490–491
world, 494–500
Religiosity, 491
measurement of, 26, 36, 506
Reporting research findings, 111
Representation, proportional, 467
Representative democracy, 462
Republican Party, 469, 470
Research, 102–136
advocacy, 511
appropriate comparisons and, 125–126
basic steps in, 109–111
causality and, 128–129
content analysis, 112, 124–125, 126
cross-sectional, 372
emergent methodologies for, 134–135
ethics and, 132–133
importance of, 104–106
institutional review board and, 133–134
Internet chat rooms and, 135
listservs and, 135
longitudinal, 372
objectivity and, 130
observational.SeeObservational research
overstating findings of, 131–132
predictability and probability and,
qualitative versus quantitative, 107–109
quantitative.SeeQuantitative research
scientific method and, 106–107
sex, 326–329
time series, 372
Resocialization, 149–150
Resources, vanishing, 643
Responsibility, diffusion of, 87
Retirement, aging and, 365–366
Retribution as goal of incarceration, 195
Revelation, 488
Revolutions, 475–476
Rigidity in bureaucracies, 96
Rites of passage, 350
Ritual(s), 47, 490
initiation, 158
Ritualism in bureaucracies, 96
Role(s), 79–80
gender, 292, 312
new, role exit and, 80
Role conflict, 80
Role exit, 80
Role expectations, 79
Role performance, 76, 79
Role strain, 79–80
Rootlessness, industrial economies and,
in bureaucracies, 95
suppression of, 96–97

Sacred, 489
Sadomasochism (S/M), 320

Same-sex marriage, 394, 399–401
Samples, 119
cluster, 119
purposive, 117–118
stratified, 119
Sandwich generation, 356, 378–379
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 46
Scapegoats, 259
School(s).See alsoEducation
charter, 574
gender inequality in, 303–304
prayer in, 509, 510, 519
private versus public, 566
segregation of, 567–568
wealthy versus poor school districts and,
School prayer, 509, 519
political debate over, 510
School reform, 572
School violence, 572, 573
Science, 510–516
definition of, 488
norms of, 511–513
religion compared with, 488–489
role of scientists and society and, 515–516
scientific breakthroughs and, 514–515
scientific networks and, 513–514
in 21st century, 516–517
types of, 510–511
Scientific literacy, 564
Scientific method, 106–107
Scientology, 495
Searching for Aboriginal Languages(Dixon),
Seasonal unemployment, 444
Seasons of a Man’s Life(Levinson, et al.),
Secondary analysis, 122–124, 126
Secondary deviance, 177
Secondary groups, 83
Secondary sex characteristics, 284
Secondary socialization, 150
Secondhand smoke, 543
Second shift, 303
Second World, 230
Sects, 492–493
Secularization, 498–500
Segregation, 254–255
neighborhood, 256, 276–277
of schools, 567–568
sex, in workplace, 299–300
looking-glass, 72–73
sociology of, 24
Self-employment, 442–443
Self-fulfilling prophecy
education and, 569
racial stereotypes and, 113
Self-image, socialization and, 157
Semiperiphery in world system theory, 236
Sensorimotor stage of cognitive develop-
ment, 145–146
Service work, 439–440

Sex, 281
during adolescence, 351, 352, 378
biology of, 282–285
of Chinese offspring, 630
cultural variations in, 285–289
definition of, 280, 316
masculinization of, 332
nonmarital, 398
rates and causes of death and, 360–361
Sex differentiation, 284
Sex education, 341–342
Sex hormones, brain and, 283–284
Sex partners, number of, 331
Sex research, 326–329
early, 326–327
modern, 327–329
Sex tourism, 339–340
Sexual assault, 334
Sexual behavior, 317–320
Sexual harassment at work, 302–303
Sexual identity, 320–326
asexuality and, 325–326
as behaviors, 324–325
bisexuality and, 322, 323–324
heterosexuality and, 322, 324
homosexuality and, 322, 330, 345
interplay of biology and society and, 326
Sexual inequality, 335–343
pornography and, 340–341
sex education and birth control and,
sex tourism and, 339–340
sexuality as politics and, 338–339
sexual minority communities and,
Sexuality, 314–344
abstinence and, 333–334
definition of, 316
desires and behaviors and, 317–320
extramarital sex and, 320, 344–345
gender of, 330–332
hooking up and, 332–333
identities and, 334–335
rape and sexual assault and, 334
research on, 326–329
sexual identities and. SeeSexual identity
sexual inequality and. SeeSexual inequality
in 21st century, 343
Sexual orientation, 322–324. See also
Heterosexuality; Homosexuality
brain and, 512
Sexual scripts, 316
Sexual socialization, 316
Sibling violence, 410
Sick role, 537–539
Sierra Club, 91
Simmel’s views, 19–20
Singlehood, 395
Single-parent families, 402–403
Slang, Internet, 50
Slaughterhouse Five(Vonnegut), 340
Slavery, children in, 375
Smoking, changing mores around, 50
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