Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

Social actors, 98
Social change, 480
religion and, 490–491
Social class. SeeClass
Social coherence, 174–178
Social cohesion, religion and, 489–490
Social construction of gender, 292–294
“Social contract” of Locke, 12–13
Social control, 170–174, 176, 202–203
religion and, 490
Social Darwinism, 20
Social distance scale, 255
Social epidemiology, 533
Social experience, networks and, 88–89
Social interaction
construction of reality through, 72–76
in groups. SeeGroup(s)
patterns of, 75–76
structured, 71
Socialism, 210, 427–428
definition of, 9
Social isolation, aging and, 365
Socialization, 138–164
in adolescence, 158–159
in adulthood, 159–160
agents of. SeeAgents of socialization
anticipatory, 149
caring for others and, 161, 165
in childhood, 157–158
definition of, 141
feral children and, 142
Freud’s views on, 147–148
gender, 160–162, 290–292
isolated children and, 143–144
Kohlberg’s theory of, 146–147
maternal instinct and, 143
Mead’s views on, 144–145
nature versus nurture and, 140–141
Piaget’s theory of, 145–146
primary, 150
in primates, 144
problems with stage theories of,
secondary, 150
self-image and, 157
sexual, 316
in 21st century, 163
Socializing, definition of, 9
Social mobility, 209, 226–229
downward, 227–228
dynamics of, 226–229
education and, 565–566
global, 237–238
structural, 226–227
today, 229
Social movements, 474–475
Social networks. SeeNetworks
Social revolutions, 476
Social sciences, 511
sociology as, 9–10
Social Security, 364
Social stratification, 206–209
definition of, 206

reasons for, 207
systems of, 207–209. See alsoClass
Social structure, 72, 76–80
roles and, 79–80
status and, 77–79
Social studies, definition of, 9
“Social telesis,” 20
Social work, definition of, 9
civil, 480–482
credential, 557–558
definition of, 70–71
science and, 515–516
sexual identity and, 326
usefulness of deviance to, 174–175
Socioeconomic status, 212. See alsoClass
Sociological imagination, 5
activities of, 8–12
American thought in, 20–21
classical thought in, 14–20
contemporary, 23–34
definition of, 5
diversity in, 21–23
dynamics of, 6–7
invention of, 13–14
origins of, 12–13
overview, 3–4
of self, 24
as social science, 9–10
in 21st century, 34–35
as way of seeing, 4–8
Sociometry, definition of, 9
Sodomy laws, 319
Solidarity of minority groups, 248
Sony, 601
Soviet Union, former, collapse of, 30
Special interest groups, 471–474
Specialization in industrial economies, 420
Specious correlation, 187
Spirituality. SeeReligion(s)
Stage theories, problems with, 148–150
Standard of living, government and, 475,
State capitalism, 426
State-centered theories of global inequality,
State’s Rights party, 470
Status, 77–79
achieved, 77–78
ascribed, 77, 248
definition of, 211
of “elderly,” 77
marital, 78, 100–101
master, 78–79
in Weber’s theory, 211
of women, determinants of, 287
“Status incongruity,” 151
Stereotypes, 87–88
discrimination as response to, 253
prejudice and, 251–252
Stigma, 170–172
Stigmatized identity, 539

Strain theory of crime, 179, 190–191
Stratification, social. SeeClass; Social strati-
Stratified samples, 119
Strayer University, 580
Street Corner Society(Whyte), 116
Structural functionalism, 24–26, 28
Structural mobility, 226–227
Structural unemployment, 444–445
Structured social interactions, 71
Studies in the Psychology of Sex(Ellis), 327
Subcultures, 43
criminal, 180–181
deviant, 172–174
Subjectivity, 104
Subordinates, 76
Subtle racism, 252
Suburbs, 633–634
Suffrage, 467
universal, 462
Suicide(Durkheim), 16–17
Suicide, Durkheim’s views on, 16–17
Superego, 147, 148
Superordinates, 76
Surveys, 112, 116, 118–122, 126
questions for, 120–122
“reading,” 123
refinement of, 135
Symbol(s), 45
Symbolic interactionism, 24, 28
Syncretic religions, 497
Syphilis, Tuskegee experiments and, 535
The System of Professions: An Essay on the
Division of Expert Labor(Abbott), 211

Taboos, 170
incest, 384
A Tale of Two Cities(Dickens), 3
Tally’s Corner(Liebow), 116
Tarzan of the Apes (Burroughs), 142
Tattoos, 529
Tax burden, 428, 452–453
Telesur, 613
Television, 592–593
Television sets, number of, 155
Temple of Deliverance Church of God and
Christ (Memphis, Tennessee), 505
Terrorism, 477–480
Tertiary deviance, 177
Theory X, 435–436
Theory Y, 436
Third Great Awakening, 501
Third World, 230
Through the Looking-Glass(Carroll), 170
Time Inc., 601–602
Time series studies, 372
Tobacco, 541–542, 543
Tocqueville’s views, 15
Token(s), 446
Tokenism, 257
Total institutions, 24, 92
Totalitarianism, 461
Tracking, 568–569
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