Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

should be educated the same as men or society would
never progress. Frederick Douglass, a former slave and
prolific author, was very influential in the abolitionist
movement, while W. E. B. Du Bois founded the NAACP
and wrote 19 books on race. He is now considered one
of the greatest sociologists in history.

6.What are the major contemporary sociological perspec-
tives? Three main paradigms, or ways of thinking,
have dominated sociological inquiry. Symbolic interac-
tionists explain how interactions with the environment
help people develop a sense of self. Structural function-
alists stress equilibrium in society and examine how
institutions function to reproduce social life. Conflict

theorists believe that society evolves from conflict
among groups. Today, sociologists increasingly view the
world through the lenses of globalism and multicultur-
alism. Globalization, or the economic, political, cul-
tural, and social interconnectedness among people
around the world, spreads culture and values and has
both positive and negative consequences. Using the mul-
ticultural lens, sociologists understand the different
ways that people see the world, construct selves, and
create institutions. Today’s sociologists understand that
race, class, gender, and sexuality are intersections of
identity, and one cannot be studied without taking the
others into account.


Canon (p. 21)
Conflict theory (p. 26)
Generalized other (p. 21)
Globalization (p. 27)
Latent functions (p. 25)
Macrolevel analysis (p. 27)
Manifest functions (p. 25)

McDonaldization (p. 31)
Mechanical solidarity (p. 18)
Microlevel analysis (p. 27)
Modernism (p. 32)
Multiculturalism (p. 27)
Organic solidarity (p. 18)
Paradigm (p. 24)

Postmodernism (p. 33)
Social Darwinism (p. 20)
Sociological imagination (p. 5)
Sociology (p. 5)
Structural functionalism (p. 24)
Symbolic interactionism (p. 24)





1.1 How Religious Are People?

This is actual survey data from the General Social Survey, 2004.

About how often do you pray?Almost 60 percent of respondents reported praying
at least once a day. Women were more likely than men to pray several times a day
or once a day. Results for examining by race were also striking, with 55 percent of
Black respondents praying several times a day as compared to 27 percent of White


  1. What social and cultural factors do you think account for the gender differences in reports of
    prayer frequency? What about the race difference?

1.2 Your Outlook on Life: Are People Basically Fair?

This is actual survey data from the General Social Survey, 2004.

Do you think most people would try to take advantage of you if they got a
chance, or would they try to be fair?Half of all respondents thought most people
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