Social Work for Sociologists: Theory and Practice

(Tuis.) #1


The editors wish, foremost, to thank our authors, without whose sterling
efforts and insightful contributions there would be no book. We also want to
acknowledge our colleagues and students who, often unwittingly, creatively
influenced our ideas.
Thank you to our editorial assistant at Palgrave Macmillan, Mara Berkhoff,
for support and advice throughout the project; to Palgrave Macmillan editor
Lani Oshima, who took on the project as editor; and to Mireille Yanow,
publisher and global head of sociology, who helped see the book through
to its conclusion in publication. To research assistant Dr. Cindy Zeiher,
thank you for your helpful comments on the work in progress. Our heartfelt
appreciations also go to Margie Broughton, without whom our venture into
American language writing would have been far more fraught.
For us, working as coeditors has been one of the most rewarding academic
endeavors we have undertaken in our careers.

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