Plant Tropisms

(Frankie) #1

above, the end result—the altered force distribution at the protein–lipid interface and en-
suing activation of the mechanosensitive protein—is the same in both models (Kung
According to another model, tether-mediated activation of membrane proteins occurs
when stress-deformed cytoskeletal/ECM components pull on the protein and thereby di-
rectly change the protein conformation [e.g., by shifting an autoinhibitory domain which
releases block and triggers activation (trapdoor model) (Hamill and Martinac 2001; Kung
2005)] (Figure 5.3) or by partially unfolding the attached protein and thus revealing pre-
viously hidden catalytic/binding sites (Janmey and Weitz 2004; Vogel 2006). Several
mechanosensitive ion channels of vertebrate and invertebrate organisms are proposed to


Figure 5.2. Forces exerted through the membrane can gate ion channels. A. The force distribution through-
out the depth of the membrane leads to a steep gradient in gating force on the interface between the channel
protein and the lipid head groups. Membrane tension can favor channel opening if the cross-sectional area of
the open state of a channel is larger than the closed (B), or if membrane tension leads to thinning of the bi-
layer and the conformational change leading to the open state of the channel reduces the profile of the mem-
brane-spanning, hydrophobic residues on the channel surface (C).
Redrawn from Kung (2005).

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