Plant Tropisms

(Frankie) #1

Figure 8.4 (also see Color Section). Photographs of the TROPI (for the study of tropisms) hardware and
the European Modular Cultivation System (EMCS) for use on the International Space Station. A. The EMCS
has standard Experimental Containers (ECs) that hold hardware unique to each specific experiment. In this
case, the EC has several cassettes which are for the growth of Arabidopsisseedlings. Prior to launch, seeds
are mounted on a sandwich of membranes and filter papers in the cassettes, and the experiment is activated
in space by hydration of the seeds. B. An EC being inserted into the EMCS through the centrifuge door. The
EMCS provides an incubator, lighting system, and high-resolution video which all are on a centrifuge palette.
C. The EMCS with the unit door open to show the two centrifuge palettes (C1, C2). Each centrifuge has slots
(ECS = EC slot) for four ECs, and there are two video cameras (Cm) which image the ECs via a polished
mirror (M). The EMCS has a controlled gaseous atmosphere (with ethylene scrubbing) and a water delivery
system. The centrifuge is off for microgravity experiments, but is capable of accelerations up to 2gfor use as
a control and for study of the effects of fractional g.

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