Figure 3.4. Flavonoid accumulation spikes during gravitropic stimulation in wild-type Arabidopsis. A. The
relative flavonoid fluorescence determined by dividing average maximum flavonoid accumulation across the
40 μm from the root tip of vertically-grown controls versus gravity-stimulated roots measured over time is
reported. Arrows indicate times of gravity-stimulated root bending in Col and tt4(2YY6). B–C. Col root tips
of 2.25 h vertical controls and (D–E) gravity-stimulated roots. The optical slices in C and E are approximately
15 μm below the root-tip surface that is shown in B and D. The scale bar = 40 μm.
This figure is reprinted from Buer and Muday (2004), with kind permission of the American Society of
Plant Biologists.