Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Thrid Edition: Model and Guidelines

(vip2019) #1

(^92) Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines, Third Edition
USPSTF was created in 1984 as an independent volunteer panel of national
experts in prevention and EBM. It works to improve health by making evidence-
based recommendations on clinical preventive services such as screenings, coun-
seling services, and preventive medications, drawing from preventive medicine
and primary care including family medicine, pediatrics, behavioral health, obstet-
rics and gynecology, and nursing.
Google Scholar is a free resource that allows a broad search across many disci-
plines and sources for scholarly literature. It contains articles, theses, books and
abstracts, and court opinions. Sources for content come from academic publish-
ers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other websites.
Nonmedical terms can be used, and due to its multidisciplinary nature, content
can be accessed related to non-nursing subject matter. Google Scholar ranks
documents by weighting the full text, publisher, and author(s), as well as how re-
cently and frequently it has been cited in other scholarly literature.
Though Google Scholar can be simple to use because of its familiarity and the
wide use of Google as a search engine, the EBP team must be cautious. Not all
journals are indexed, and search algorithms change daily, making it impossible to
replicate a search. As with any database, the EBP team must realize that search-
ing using only Google Scholar will result in insufficient evidence (Bramer, Gius-
tini, & Kramer, 2016). With these caveats in mind, the EBP team can enjoy some
additional benefits when using Google Scholar.
If the EBP team is not associated with a hospital or academic library, they may
not have access to online databases. Google Scholar remains free and open to the
public. A helpful feature is the user’s ability to set up routine alerts for relevant
search terms and have them emailed. For example, if the EBP team is search-
ing the literature using search terms fall risk and acute care, a recommendation
rule can be set up so that any time a new scientific document is added, an email
can be sent directly to the EBP team, alerting them to this information. Finally,
Google Scholar has the ability to export citations to certain bibliography manag-
ers (for example, RefWorks, RefMan, EndNote, and BibTeX) to help keep track
of references.

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