Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Thrid Edition: Model and Guidelines

(vip2019) #1

(^160) Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines, Third Edition

Patient/Consumer Experience (Level V Evidence)

Patients are consumers of healthcare, and the term consumer also refers to a larger
group of individuals using health services in a variety of settings. The art of nurs-
ing recognizes that humans are active participants in their lives and make choices
regarding their health (Milton, 2007). Health is a quality of life and is best de-
scribed by the person who is experiencing it. Patient experience (Level V) is a core
component of a patient-centered approach to care, honoring lived experiences as
evidence so that the patient can be an active partner in decision-making. This is
based on the core ethical value of respect for persons. Each patient has personal,
religious, and cultural beliefs to account for that enable the individual to make
informed care decisions. Individuals and families of different cultures, races, so-
cial, and economic classes are likely to have quite dissimilar experiences with the
healthcare system and, hence, have dissimilar perspectives on EBPs (DelVecchio
Good & Hannah, 2015).
The expert nurse incorporates patient preferences into clinical decision-making by
asking the following questions:
■■ Are the research findings and nonresearch evidence relevant to this par-
ticular patient’s care?
■■ Have all care and treatment options based on the best available evidence
been presented to the patient?
■■ Has the patient been given as much time as is necessary to allow for clari-
fication and consideration of options?
■■ Have the patient’s expressed preferences and concerns been considered
when planning care?

The answer to these questions requires ethical practice and respect for a patient’s
autonomy. Combining sensitivity to individual patient needs and thoughtful ap-
plication of best evidence leads to optimal patient-centered outcomes. The Patient-
Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) established by the Affordable
Care Act 2010 produces and promotes high-integrity, evidence-based information
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