Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Thrid Edition: Model and Guidelines

(vip2019) #1

(^214) Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines, Third Edition
Committee Functions
Standards of Care Committee Promotes, develops, and maintains evidence-based
standards of care
Standards of Practice
Promotes, develops, and maintains evidence-based
standards of professional practice

Communication Plan

A communication plan should be an integral part of both the EBP process and its
sustainability. The plan should address:
■■ The goals of the communication
■■ Target audiences
■■ Available communication media
■■ Preferred frequency
■■ Important messages

Minimally, the goals for an EBP communication plan should focus on staff to
increase awareness of the initiative, educate staff regarding their contribution,
highlight and celebrate successes, and inform staff about EBP activities through-
out the organization. Consider developing an EBP website within the organiza-
tion’s intranet. This website can be an excellent vehicle for communicating EBP
information, including questions under consideration, projects in progress or
completed, outcomes, and available EBP educational opportunities. The website
can also serve as a snapshot and history of an organization’s EBP activities and
can be helpful when seeking or maintaining Magnet designation.

Table 9.5 Department of Nursing Committee Functions Related to EBP


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