Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Thrid Edition: Model and Guidelines

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(^252) Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines, Third Edition

Appendix G: Individual Evidence Summary Form

As the EBP team completes the appraisal of evidence, each article or piece of evi-
dence should be entered into Appendix G. This becomes the team’s reference and
synopsis of the evidence reviewed. Remember that each piece of evidence should
be appraised by more than one member of the team, and together they reach a
consensus on level and quality. Some groups may decide to enter each article as
it is read and discussed, whereas others may wait until all articles have been ap-
praised. Either way is acceptable. Figure 11.6 provides a snapshot of Appendix G
and shows only a few of the articles reviewed. Note that evidence rated C-quality
should not be used or transferred to Appendix G. The team should not rely on
low-quality evidence to make decisions.
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