Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Thrid Edition: Model and Guidelines

(vip2019) #1

“In early 2000, The Johns Hopkins Hospital (JHH) Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) was very fortu-
nate to be the pilot site for the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model. PACU nurses
from inpatient and ambulatory settings were invited to participate. There was a sense of staff reluc-
tance and lack of appreciation for what their involvement meant. Seeing the nurses’ active engagement
in the pilot and outcome was every nurse manager’s dream. Using evidence in making decisions be-
came a reality. Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines, Third Edition,
captures the essence of nursing excellence in practice. This book illustrates the barriers in today’s nurs-
ing practice in developing critical thinking and competence; it provides the structure, process, tools,
and measurement of outcomes for proficiency levels ranging from nursing students to leaders and for
every setting. I am most grateful to Johns Hopkins for its nursing leadership in the culture of inquiry.”
–Dina A. Krenzischek, PhD, RN, CPAN, CFRE, FAAN
Director of Professional Practice
Mercy Medical Center

“Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines is very practical, with clarity
about how to determine evidence levels and additional factors that influence practice. The new model
is active and interrelating. Support materials available to end users are reasonably priced, practical,
and helpful to bedside nurses who conduct evidence-based practice projects. We use these materials for
EBP improvement, EBP internships, and nurse residency. Model elements are easy to understand and
explain. The detailed, stepwise progression from forming a team and clinical question to disseminat-
ing findings guides a comprehensive and systematic approach to EBP. The focus on translation of best
evidence into practice addresses one of the most challenging and critical phases of EBP. Our Organiza-
tional Nursing Research Council adopted the JHNEBP Model and has been using the support materi-
als for almost 10 years. The exemplars are helpful in supporting learning. Our hospital purchased the
ebook, and we look forward to updating to the third edition.”
–Debra Haas Stavarski, PhD, MS, RN
Director of Nursing Research
Reading Hospital, Reading Health System

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