(^) DOM and
(^) feeding modes
(^) larger phytoplankton and
(^) overview
(^) population dynamics
(^) protozoa
(^) province analysis. See biome and province analysis
(^) Prymnesiophyta
(^) Pseudocalanus
(^) Pseudocalanus newmani
(^) pseudothecosomes
(^) pulse-amplitude-modulated (PAM) fluorometry
(^) pyrosomes
(^) radiation balance
(^) Radiolaria
(^) rarefaction curves
(^) rate equation modeling
(^) reasonable and prudent alternatives (RPA) (fisheries)
(^) recruitment (fisheries)
(^) recycled production
(^) Redfield ratios
(^) red tides
(^) regimes
(^) reproduction and fecundity
(^) chaetognaths
(^) copepods
(^) euphausiids
(^) mesopelagic fish
(^) overview
(^) respiration rates
(^) resting eggs
(^) resting stages
(^) Reynolds number (Re)
(^) Rhizopoda