Biological Oceanography

(ff) #1

Plate 2.3 Global SeaWIFS image generated by NASA: monthly mean for May 2000.
In ocean areas, purple represents very low chlorophyll and the progression to blue,
green, yellow, and red represents progressively more chlorophyll. Highest values are
in subpolar areas, lowest values in subtropical gyres. Equatorial areas have
intermediate, but still low, values.

(^) (© GeoEye, with permission.)
Plate 4.1 Annual cycles and abundance variation with depth of (a) nano- and
picophytoplankton and (b) large phytoplankton (diatoms) in the Denman et al. (2006)
model of production processes in the iron-limited (HNLC) ecosystem of the Gulf of
(After Denman et al. 2006.)

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